GRAMMAR REFERENCE > PAGE 54 M M M M M M 3 Choose the correct alternative. 1 In general, I think the/[- teachers can help thell- young people to develop their talents. 2 Last night I saw a/[-] programme about a/the young girl who has a/the really good voice. 3 Did you read a/the book I gave you yesterday about the/[-] science? 4 I reckon she's the/[-] better than most TV presenters. 5 A/The biggest problem with a/the world today is that we are all too busy. 6 I've got a/the friend who trains the/[-] animals to appear in the films. 7 Last week I read an/the article about the/[-] first episode in a/the new comedy series. 8 I think the/(-) rock climbers do the/[-] most amazing things. IM IM 4 Complete the text with a, an, the or (-). h? ? у I've got (a) friend who has (b) amazing talent. She has (c) incredible memory. She's really good at remembering (d) faces. She once met (e) man for just a few seconds. When she saw (f) man again six months later, she recognised him immediately, even though (g) clothes he was wearing were completely different and now he had (h) beard. I'm exactly the opposite. I think I have (i) worst memory in (1) world! 7
1 a
3 a