Grammar reference .page 115 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of will and the verb in brackets.
1 My teacher thinks we will do (do) well in the test.
2 The weatherwon (not be) very nice tomorrow.
3 Youw (have) a great time in Patagonia!
4 They wol(not see) any penguins at this time of year.
5 My dad says I wol(not enjoy) kayaking.
3 Complete the email with will and the verbs
Когда мой папа пошел в парикмахерскую он ввшел от туда лысым.Мы были в магазине тетехник и я увидел там привлекательный телефон.Я спросил у мамы какой у меня цвет волос,и она ответила мне что я блондин.Мама сказала что я кудрявый крассавчик.Когда я был в магазине животных я увидел там котенка,он был такой милый что я попросил его купить.В нашем классе учиться мальчик и мне кажется,что он очень красивый.У моего папы на пистолете очень длинный ствол.Стоя с моим старшим братом он очень высокий а янизкий,он говоритчто я низкогго роста
Language is the voice of the people, their soul. It isn't only a way of verbal exchange and facts transfer. Almost each nation has its personal language. Language develops at the side of it, absorbs its history, man or woman and all its functions. People who've misplaced or forgot their language regularly lose their self-identity. Great poets and writers wrote their works of their local language. After all, it's miles on it that it is easiest to carry your mind and feelings. The infant announces the primary word, the primary sentence in his local language. This is the language of his parents, grandparents, and former generations. With the assist of the word, the kid learns to study the international, to specific his wishes and mind. Each new era brings to the language. The international is changing, new concepts, sports and items appear. Thus, the language is continually in step with the times. It is continually prepared for modifications and additions. At the equal time, language preserves experience, understanding and functions of the beyond for us. Of course, many come to be out of date over time. But still, the foundation continually stays with us.