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10.03.2021 02:54 •  Английский язык

1 Underline the correct form.
Example: They have to / don’t have to be home early. They’re very young.
1 You can’t / must go to the party. It’s too late. 2 We mustn’t / don’t have to buy tickets – entrance is free. 3 You don’t have to / mustn’t swim there. It’s dangerous. 4 You must / don’t have to tidy your room. It’s a mess. 5 I must / mustn’t practise the piano tonight. I’m not very good. 6 I have to / don’t have to do my homework. It’s Saturday
2 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. Use each word once: around/ along /in/ over/ through/ into/ of /
Example: They walked along the street until they found a good restaurant.
1 We went for a long walk the lake. 2 Come ! It’s lovely to see you. 3 Go the bridge and take the first turning on the left. 4 He walked out the house and never came back. 5 You can’t drive the Channel Tunnel, you have to take your car on the train. 6 She came the living room and sat down.
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the -ing form or infinitive.
Example: I love walking (walk) in the rain.
1 He’s very good at (talk) to new people. 2 I phoned Rachel because I wanted (tell) her about the party. 3 (swim) is very good for you. 4 It isn’t easy (learn) a language. 5 I don’t really like (dance). 6 I need (buy) some new clothes. 7 She left without (close) the door. 8 Try not (spend) too much money
4 Underline the correct word(s).
Example: I’m not very / a bit worried about the exam. I’ve done a lot of work.
1 Yukio’s really / a bit friendly. She talks to everybody. 2 He’s a bit / really motivated because he wants to get a good job. 3 This exercise is not very / incredibly hard. We can’t do it! 4 I find listening exercises a bit / very difficult. 5 This question is bit / quite complicated. 6 Of course I can ride a bike, it’s not very / really easy.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct word.
Example: I’ve stopped talking to him. (done -stopped -dreamed )
1 We going to the beach. (love -need -want) 2 He doesn’t driving. (good -want -mind) 3 Jerry’s in history.( excited- interested -happy) 4 My brother’s of studying law. (thinking –spending- hoping) 5 I to go to the supermarket. (mind –think- need) 6 I’d to go out this weekend. (like- mind- think) 7 Do you reading? (want- think- enjoy) 8 Petra a lot of time watching TV. (does- spends- has)
READING 1 Read the article and tick (✓) A, B, or C.
How many ways are there to learn a language? Do you want to learn a language? We interviewed three people who learned a language in very different ways. June is 36 and a mother of two. She went to evening classes. ‘I gave up working when I had my first child, but a year ago I joined a French evening class. At first, it was quite difficult. We had to speak French all the time in the classroom and I didn’t understand anything. Also, when you only have one lesson a week, you have to do a lot at home. I studied when the children were in bed and I listened to French tapes in the car. At the end of the year I could speak French quite well.’ Tim is 23. He went to Italy to learn Italian. ‘When I finished university, I wanted to travel and learn a language. I already knew a bit of Italian, so I decided to go there. I didn’t want to do formal lessons, so I bought some tapes and listened to them before I went. I travelled around the country for six months. It’s the only way to learn! I didn’t have much money, so I worked in bars. That meant I met a lot of people and learned a lot of Italian. I also had a great time. I’d definitely recommend it.’ Sasha is 29. She did an intensive course in London. ‘I studied French and Spanish at university and got a job with computers. I missed learning a language, so I asked my boss for a month’s holiday and enrolled on an intensive German course in London. We did six hours of lessons every day, so it was quite hard work. We all communicated in German. The problem was when I went home, I spoke English again. The course was fun and I learned a lot, but I’d like to do a course in Germany next time.’

Example: When June’s first child was born she . A worked in the evenings ■ B continued working ■ C stopped working ✓
1 June found learning a language . A easy ■ B boring ■ C hard
2 She did a French class . A once a week ■ B every evening ■ C during the day
3 She did extra studying when she was . A looking after the children ■ B driving ■ C in bed
4 Tim went to Italy because he . A could speak Italian very well ■ B

Показать ответ
01.04.2022 16:42

1) It has been snowing all morning. And it is still snowing.

2) It has just stopped snowing. Look, how beautiful the trees are.

3) Jane has been playing volleyball professionally for several years.

4) I’m sorry I’m late. How long have you been waiting?

5) Where is Ann? − She is upstairs, cleaning her bedroom. She has been doing it since morning.

6) I have read the story up to the end. I can’t say I like it a lot.

7) Sue is in the garden. She has been planting flowers since 9 a.m. I don’t know if she has planted all of them.

8) Hello, Betsy! What on earth are you doing here? − I am trying to find an English−French−Spanish Dictionary. I have been looking for it all morning.

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01.04.2022 16:42


1) It has been snowing all morning. And it is still snowing.

2) It has just stopped snowing. Look, how beautiful the trees are.

3) Jane has been playing volleyball professionally for several years.

4) I’m sorry I’m late. How long have you been waiting?

5) Where is Ann? − She is upstairs, cleaning her bedroom. She has been doing it since morning.

6) I have read the story up to the end. I can’t say I like it a lot.

7) Sue is in the garden. She has been planting flowers since 9 a.m. I don’t know if she has planted all of them.

8) Hello, Betsy! What on earth are you doing here? − I am trying to find an English−French−Spanish Dictionary. I have been looking for it all morning.

0,0(0 оценок)
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