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25.09.2022 05:39 •  Английский язык

Great britain gave the world a lot of talented people. many famous writers and poets were born and lived in great britain. one of the best known english playwrights was william shakespeare. he drew ideas for his tragedies and comedies from the history of england and ancient rome. many experts consider shakespeare the greatest writer and the greatest playwright in english language. william shakespeare wrote 37 plays which may be divided into comedies (such as "a midsummer night's dream"), tragedies (such as "hamlet", "othello", "king lear", "macbeth") and historical plays (such as "richard ii", "henry v, "julius caesar", "antony and cleopatra").

robert burns represents the generation of romantic writers. in his poems he described the simple life he knew with love and understanding. among his well-known poems are "halloween", "the jolly beggars", "to a mouse".

lord george gordon byron. his free-spirited life style combined with his rare poetic gift makes him one of the most famous figures of the romantic era. his famous works such as "stanzas to augusta", "the prisoner of chillon", "childe harold's pilgrimage", "manfred" draw readers into the passion, humor and convictions of a poet whose life and work truly embodied the romantic spirit.

sir walter scott wrote the first examples of historical novel, for instance, "ivanhoe".

lewis carroll became famous when he published "alice's adventures in wonderland".

choose the right ending:

1. many experts consider shakespeare the greatest writer and the greatest .

2. his famous works such as "stanzas to augusta", "the prisoner of chillon", "childe harold's pilgrimage", "manfred" draw readers into .

3. sir walter scott wrote the first .

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07.11.2021 16:29

this story happened ten years ago in one english village. mr. and mrs. johnson arrived in clovelly late at night. they came from the usa to spend their holiday in a lovely surrounding. as it was rather late, they decided to stay overnight at a hotel.

next morning, after a short walk mrs. johnson realized that she fell in love with this peaceful place. she said she wanted to buy a house in clovelly and move to england.

so, they spent a day looking for a detached house or a mansion. finally, they’d found one and went to see it with an estate agent. there was a kitchen, a dining room and a living room on the first floor. and, there were three bedrooms upstairs. while mrs. johnson was exploring the second floor, she felt a strange cool breeze coming from one room. it was the darkest and the most unpleasant room she’d ever seen.

nevertheless, they decided to buy the house but to renovate the strange bedroom upstairs. the same night they were celebrating their profitable investment at the local pub. mr. johnson ordered a bottle of champagne and told the bartender about their new house. the young guy went pale when he heard about that house. he said that nobody had ever wanted to buy it because of its dark past.

in fact, the owner of the mansion was murdered in his bedroom. since then people tell various mystical stories about this place. moreover, they say that the ghost of the former landlord still dwells there. mrs. johnson was terrified. she said she knew there was something wrong with that room.

next day they quickly packed and caught a plane to new york. the johnsons never came back to clovelly again.

эта произошла десять лет назад в одной деревне. мистер и миссис джонсон прибыли в кловли поздно вечером. они приехали из сша, чтобы провести свой отпуск в этом прекрасном местечке. так как было довольно поздно, они решили остановиться на ночь в отеле.

на следующее утро, после короткой прогулки миссис джонсон поняла, что просто влюбилась в эту тихую местность. она сказала, что хотела бы купить дом в кловли и переехать жить в .

таким образом, они провели день в поисках частного дома или особняка. наконец, они нашли то, что нужно и отправились осматривать дом с агентом по недвижимости. на первом этаже располагались кухня, столовая и гостиная. а на верхнем этаже было три спальни. когда миссис джонсон осматривала второй этаж, она почувствовала, как из одной комнаты повеяло холодом. это была самая темная и самая неприятная комната, которую она когда-либо видела.

тем не менее, они решили купить этот дом, но сделать ремонт в странной спальне на верхнем этаже. в ту же ночь они праздновали свою выгодную инвестицию в местном пабе. мистер джонсон заказал бутылку шампанского и рассказал бармену о своем новом доме. молодой парень побледнел, когда услышал об этом доме. он сказал, что никто никогда не покупает его из-за темного прошлого.

на самом деле, владелец особняка был убит в своей спальне. с тех пор люди рассказывают разные мистические об этом месте. более того, они говорят, что призрак бывшего хозяина все еще обитает там. миссис джонсон была в ужасе. она ведь догадывалась, что с этой комнатой что-то не так.

на следующий день они наскоро упаковали чемоданы и сели на самолет до нью-йорка. джонсоны больше никогда не возвращались в кловли

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07.11.2021 16:29

вот так как то)

east or west, home is best. i believe in this proverb.

i think that my home is a little world where i can live according to my own rules. it’s because here are my relatives, my dogs, my favourite things. when i feel tired, i can relax only at home. there's no place like home. when i am ill, i feel better only at home. everything is easier at home. i like to receive guests at my home. home is most important place in the life of every person. at home we feel comfortable, calm and happy. every family holiday we celebrate at home. many days off we spend at home within the family. my dearest people live there. the furniture, the things, the pictures at home can say a lot of about their masters. masters' character, his/her habits we can learn when we look at their homes. my home is my castle – englishmen tell so. i support this. i like my home city, my motherland. my favourite place is my mother’s place of birth –the hamlet anosovo. all my childhood i spent there. there are a lot of luxurious blossoming fruit   gardens. there is warm   newly drawn milk of a cow or a goat. there are bright-green watery meadows. there is my lovely pond covered by duckweed. every summer i went   there, but unfortunately, i don’t have time to go there now. it was the happiest time in my life when i was there. in the village near anosovo every summer celebrates holidays - the days of poetry. it’s because pushkin visited the village bolshoe boldino. when days of poetry are celebrated, famous actors’ concerts are performed   there. i recollect this time with tenderness and i regret that i couldn't return these times. i would like to go there again to see my childhood place.

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