Guess the sport. 1. We need eleven players to practise this sport. 2. We use small ball and a bat. 3. People ride bicycles in this sport, 4. We practise this sport in winter and we need some show 5. People practise this sport in the sea, in the pool. 6. We can practise this sport in the mountains. 7. Athletes practise this sport in a marathon 8. We get into a boat to practise this sport. 9. We wear a kimono to practise this sport. 10. We need five players to practise this sport
For more than a decade “Tatyana lived” and” worked “in Connecticut, USA because in the 1990s” there were big problems “with stadiums and sports equipment in Russia. Время “Past simple”
She is sure that if a “sportsman or a sportswoman stops” training,” it puts “an end to his or her career. Время “Zero conditional” - Present Simple.
That’s why “she did” what “she could to keep” Russian figure skaters in good form for the future of Russian national figure skating.
In 2006 “Tatyana Tarasova returned” to Russia. Время “Past simple”
Here “she started” a number of interesting “new projects” which have “become” popular with the spectators. Время “Past simple” and “Present Perfect”
Tatyana knows everything about figure skating. “Every little detail is important” to her: what “athletes wear “when they” come “onto the ice, to what music ‘they are skating”, where and how “they prepare” for a competition or a show. “She loves” her students and “believes” them. “It’s a great honour “for every skater to win her smile or her kind words, which are the best “prize they can get”. Время “ Present Simple”
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For more than a decade “Tatyana lived” and” worked “in Connecticut, USA because in the 1990s” there were big problems “with stadiums and sports equipment in Russia. Время “Past simple”
She is sure that if a “sportsman or a sportswoman stops” training,” it puts “an end to his or her career. Время “Zero conditional” - Present Simple.
That’s why “she did” what “she could to keep” Russian figure skaters in good form for the future of Russian national figure skating.
In 2006 “Tatyana Tarasova returned” to Russia. Время “Past simple”
Here “she started” a number of interesting “new projects” which have “become” popular with the spectators. Время “Past simple” and “Present Perfect”
Tatyana knows everything about figure skating. “Every little detail is important” to her: what “athletes wear “when they” come “onto the ice, to what music ‘they are skating”, where and how “they prepare” for a competition or a show. “She loves” her students and “believes” them. “It’s a great honour “for every skater to win her smile or her kind words, which are the best “prize they can get”. Время “ Present Simple”
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ˈлорэ: оу, ай лав ˈaуэ нью хaус! уот э биг ˈливин рум!
стив: итс ˈриэли грейт! нaу, летс пут зэ ˈфёничэр ин плейс. кэн ю гив ми э хэнд, джон?
джон: шуэ, дэд. летс ста:т.
стив: уээ ду ю уонт зэ ˈсоуфэ, ˈлорэ?
ˈлорэ: пут ит ин франт ов зэ ˈуиндоу.
стив: ол райт... уот эˈбaут зис ˈамˈчеэ?
джон: куик, дэд, итс ˈриэли ˈхеви!
ˈлорэ: кэн ю пут ит некст ту зэ ˈфайэплейс?
джон: а:! дэд, уоч aут! из ит ˈоуˈкей, райт хиэ?
ˈлорэ: ноу, нот зеэ! ит лукс ˈбетэр он зи ˈазэ сайд, биˈтуин зэ ˈфайэплейс энд зэ до:. зэтс грейт!
стив: райт... уээ шэл уи пут зис клок?
ˈлорэ: оу, пут ит он зэ уол, ˈопэзит зэ ˈсоуфэ. би ˈкеэфул! итс ˈвери иксˈпенсив!
джон: фью ... мам, кам дaун! уиэ ˈдуин ˈaуэ бест, ˈоуˈкей?
ˈлорэ: ˈоуˈкей, айм ˈсори. мм ... уот елс ...? уот эˈбaут зис ˈтейбл? летс плейс ит биˈтуин зэ ˈсоуфэ энд зи ˈамˈчеэ.
стив: ээ... уот эˈбaут зэ ˈка:пит, ˈлорэ?
ˈлорэ: оу диэ! ай уонт зэт ту гоу ˈандэр ол зэ ˈфёничэ!