Gunuru sys detler luit austi.
the football team played worse in the second half.
cameron works the hardest in his class.
wendy paints the most beautifully in her family.
saule danced the best in the competition.
peter behaves the worst of all the boys.
b) 10.6.12 complete the sentences with the
correct form of the adverb in bold.
the door squeaks (loudly) in
the winter than in the summer.
chris ran (fast) of all the
miras speaks english (well) than alisher.
i did (badly) in the class on the
science test.
the lecture started (early) than
we had expected.
i still have the flu, but i feel
(little) ill than yesterday.
kevin played
(well) of all the
basketball team.
akbota read the instructions ..
(carefully) than the rest of the class.
I am very happy to hear from you again. How are you? Remember you asked me about my life in Washington? You also said that you would like to visit it. I will tell you a little bit of my usual day.
My family consists of my mom and cat. In our free time we do not do anything special. We just lie in the bad and watch TV series. And what do you do in your free time?
My hometown has a lot of interesting sites and I hope you will like them all! There you can visit White House (But do not go to the fence very close, because you will be on the ground arested by police, FBI and even militaries. They will not joke with you), Natural History museum ( there were made films called Night in the museum), if you have enough money, you can buy huge candies in the most popular confectioner's and visit lots of another museums like Mseum of cosmonautics and aeronautics, where is shown the fastest military plane in the world.
Weather here is usually warm, so you won't got cold. I advice you to take T-shirts, shorts, flip flops and swimming costume. One time we will go sunbathing.
I need to go now. If you do not know where to stop, remember that I always near and I can meet near the and offer you one room in our apartment. Also my mom would like to know you better.
Sincerely yours, Markus
On September 1, when I went to the 5th grade, my parents gave me a gift. At home, I was waiting for a cage, and in it sat a golden animal.My mother explained that the new pet is called the Syrian hamster. At first she helped to take care of him, and then I learned to clean the cage and feed the Buttercup myself.He's very fast, so I only let him run when the doors to the room are closed. It's a lot of fun to watch Buttercup run around in his wheel. And when he eats, his nose moves funny.Hamsters can not be fed with what you eat yourself, so they buy special food and treats for him. I give Buttercup the pieces from my hand, and then he sits on my palm. My mother warned me that it might bite, but if you don't torment it and hold it in your hands for too long, it will never hurt you. I always warn my friends when they come to visit me. The rodent can not be strongly squeezed, and you need to take it in your hands only after washing them with soap.