He boc
It's brown.
Does it have a handle?
Yes, it does.
What was in it?
Some clothes and my camera, a Nikon
: OK ... I have some bags over here. Do any
of these look familiar?
: Yes, mine is the one in the corner. Wow
: Let's have a look inside to check ... A
couple of T-shirts and your camera. Here
you are.
s: Thank you very much!
k: You're welcome. как читать на анл
sport has long been a business. indeed, professional sport is a very exciting spectacle. therefore, a lot of spectators often come to watch football, hockey, basketball, rugby and tennis, box and many other kinds of sport paying a lot of money for tickets. sports are regularly broadcast on my tv channels, attracting a huge audience of fans and therefore causing high advertising prices during these broadcasts. in other words, the owners of many sports teams, managers and financial agent of many sports talents around the world have quite high profits. that allows them to conclude huge and long-term contracts with the most talented athletes, stimulating the most talented young people to implement themselves in sports.
i agree that professional sport is definitely a big business. it was for this reason that it was organized, huge sums are spinning in this area, just look at what amounts are indicated in the contracts of professional sports stars. but i think that not all sports are big business. professional sports managers invest in attractive projects that can generate income. therefore, for example, the nba or the nhl is a sports business with a long tradition. but the championship of a city among students cannot be called a business, of course. not the scope to make a profit.
thus, the professional sport in its structure has long been one of the most highly profitable sectors of show business.
2 How many percent of the Russian people continue to holiday somewhere in Russia?
3 What percentage of Russian travelers prefer seaside resorts abroad?
4 How many types of Russian travelers abroad?
5 What percentage of people continue to rest package tour
6 What percentage of independent tourists who travel on their own?
7 What percentage of business travelers go to rest abroad?
8 How many percent of people visiting friends and relatives abroad?
9 How many percent of people travel just over the border?
10 Where tourists abroad often go ?