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14.02.2022 13:25 •  Английский язык

He said that he

(bring) parcel the day before.

She said that she
(finish) her work by 4 o’clock the day before.

He said that they
(meet) each other 10 years before.

John said that he
(sign) the contract on Sunday morning.

He said that she
(consult) the doctor the day before.

Показать ответ
22.11.2020 20:17

Imposter syndrome is not unique to students or young professionals. Symptoms include risk aversion, perfectionism, indecision, micro-management, procrastination, and workaholic

"The experience of imposters is something we all encounter at some point in our lives," said Ijeoma Nwaogu, deputy director of the Multicultural Center and host of the project. "People who have gone through this situation will think that their success is only because of good luck or good timing, not because of their intelligence or skills. Imposter syndrome is a lifelong journey. You can overcome these feelings in a space, Then meet them again in another space."

Imposter syndrome usually occurs when people compare themselves to others, especially when they are in the minority in a group, such as being the only woman in a meeting or the only disabled person in a team. People who experience imposter syndrome can also make others feel that they are imposters.

Nwaogu said: "The purpose of my participation in this project is to let everyone understand that no matter which project or field you are in, you belong to this field." "You should go there. You have enough. You are not alone."

The project team consists of a staff member, an alumni, and undergraduate and graduate students.

Matthew Cheney ‘11, a forensic toxicologist and president of the Les Latino Alumni Association, has experienced liar syndrome both professionally and personally.

He said: "I'm Hispanic, but I was adopted, and my last name is Cheney." So I often feel that I am not respected or considered Latino. "

Cheney's support network helped him overcome his professional fears.

Cheney said: "It is very important to have a mentor in your field. "Friends are good, but I also need to have moral mentors in my field. They value my value as a person. "

Caroline Quenemoen is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Students and Director of Research Learning at Rice University. She has experienced both undergraduates at Dartmouth College, PhD student at Yale University and Professor at Rice University. Liar syndrome.

"Over time, I feel that the cause of liar syndrome has changed," she said. "In Dartmouth, we have very few low- and middle-income people, and I dealt with it by being a good student. At Yale, I experienced the intellectual liar syndrome. It's all about gender, class, and privilege. This kind of thing. Culture is very harmful. I have internalized this idea. I have to do everything by myself and cannot ask for help."

When she became an assistant professor of art history, she was still afraid of asking for help.

She said: "I didn't reach out as much as I needed. There are many mentors who could have helped me in my life." "I understand how important it is to ask for help, and my current role is through wealth. The challenging process gives others help and guidance."

James Alex Warner, a junior in statistics, was recently elected the principal of Baker College. He suffered from liar syndrome.

He said: "In interacting with other presidents, I found myself the most introverted." "I realized that it is possible to do something different from the past. I can still accomplish the president's mission by being who I am. I don’t need to be a central figure in the party like the previous president. I can do it in my own way.”

Mekedlawit Setegne is a senior in chemistry and the chairman of the Rice African Student Association.

"When I eat rice, everyone is the smartest person in the room," Sai Tian said. "I don't think I belong here. When things become difficult, I feel that I am not good enough instead of admitting that it is difficult."

Setterne explored her other identities in Rice. She said: "When you invest too much in a certain part of your life, you can easily feel that you are a liar because you only associate your value with one factor." "We are multidimensional, and all our experiences constitute With this unique person, he can contribute to the community in a way that no one else can. I understand that being in space is not lucky, but it is lucky to have the current you."

Finding support helped Setterne’s imposter syndrome. She said: "The important thing is to seek the support and guidance you need, not just what you get." "Find what you need to grow, and find people with the same values as you."

The event was sponsored by the Dole New Leaders Institute, Rice University Student Center, and Rice Association of Women Engineers.

"The imposter syndrome can prevent leaders from reaching their potential," Reitmeier said. “Acknowledging these obstacles is the first step in overcoming them. Research shows that leadership is mostly acquired, not an innate ability. No matter where you are, the Dole Institute has the resources to help you grow into A leader."

Encourage Rice University students who are interested in developing leadership skills and working with leadership coaches to learn more about the Doer Institute on the Doerr .ride.edu website.

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03.08.2022 10:06
1. Shoe or tire prints are believed to be photographed before any attempt is made to recover them.
Считается, что отпечатки обуви или шин необходимо сначала сфотографировать до того, как попытаться восстановить их.
2. The new performance of the central drama theatre is said to be popular with both old and young.
Говорят, что новый спектакль центрального драматического театра пользуется популярностью как у молодых, так и у пожилых людей.
3. One more inquisitional experiment was supposed to be much more successful than all the previous ones.
Предполагали, что еще один следственный эксперимент будет гораздо более успешным, чем все предыдущие.
4. The language of that scientific article turned out to be too difficult to understand.
Оказалось, что язык этой научной статьи было слишком трудным для понимания.
5. One of the old shop-assistants happened to overhear their confidential conversation.
Один из старых продавцов случайно услышал их конфиденциальный разговор. (=Случилось так, что один из старых продавцов услышал….)
0,0(0 оценок)
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