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Health. Wh Listen,
buy ev
2 a) What kind of shopper are you?
Which of these sentences best describe
you? Tick (✓) the ones that are true for
you. Can you think of any other reasons
you buy/don't buy things?
1 l purchase things that I see online.
2 I usually buy things that are on sale.
3 I often buy second-hand products.
4 I love buying designer labels.
5 I try to buy products that are made
from recycled materials.
6 l avoid buying unnecessary things.
7 I compare prices and then I buy what
is on offer.
Some peop
To reach fo
They want
And they wa
They want the
And huge ba
Riches ar
In enormo​

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01.06.2020 22:02

Здесь намного больше :)


he fact that wild animals are still kept in limited conditions for the amusement of the human race is a problem that is widely discussed in eco – advocacy circles. Let's try to figure out if this is really as bad as we are told about it.


Simplify research. Although there are many different lotions that allow scientists to monitor wild animals in their habitats, but their installation requires a lot of financial and physical costs. In addition, if the camera installed in the jungle breaks down, it will need to be replaced – which means even more costs... in other words, placing the animal in the zoo allows you to "not go far" and conduct research on the spot, while not causing the animals discomfort. This moves biology forward, and sometimes helps to preserve individual representatives of the animal world.

Caring for endangered species. Not every animal brought to the zoo was poached – most often it happens just the opposite. This is especially true for those species of animals whose population in nature is declining for one reason or another. Placing them in a zoo allows scientists to monitor the state of the species, its population, and take the necessary measures to preserve it.

Safety. In addition to the one hundred percent chance to continue their kind due to the conditions created for this, animals kept in zoos have another decent advantage: they are protected from natural selection. The zoo staff does not care, for example, if one lion cub from the litter turns out to be weaker than another and could not get food for itself in the wild - all the lion cubs will be taken care of. The same thing will happen if, for example, an animal gets sick – they will definitely come out and save it, which will not happen in the wild. Finally, the herbivores living in zoos can not be afraid of a predator attack, as they will be separated by several enclosures.

Visibility. Although the opportunity to stare at the locked animals may sometimes seem like a privilege of an impudent person who has nothing sacred in relation to nature, very often a visit to the zoo can be equated with an educational excursion. This is especially important for schoolchildren, when they can see firsthand the animals that have just looked at them from the pages of biology textbooks.

Animals in the zoo


Space restriction. Of course, after the wild nature, a cramped enclosure will seem like a prison, not to mention the conditions of detention. There is a difference between the endless jungle and fields where you can walk forever in search of delicious grass or flocks of unsuspecting antelopes, and a small room in which you put the right food without having to look for it. In addition, the difference in climate can affect: an animal of the far north, for example, a polar bear, will feel disgusting even in a temperate zoo.

Constant human attention. Unfortunately, few visitors to zoos are familiar with the culture of communicating with animals, and warning signs help only in rare cases. For example, many people think that ducks can be fed bread slices, although this is not true – in fact, these pieces are too large, which makes it difficult for even an adult to digest them. The lack of attention of the zoo staff leads to serious health problems.

Ill-treatment. This seems to be the least of the evils, because everyone is accustomed to believe that only those who love nature and therefore will not allow themselves to mistreat animals go to work in the zoo. Alas, the love of animals is a stretchable concept, and no one has been able to heal the elementary human cruelty, short-sightedness, and negligence so far. Animals that lack attention and care can die, which would not happen in the wild.

"Domestication" of animals. An animal born and raised in captivity can never become a full-fledged inhabitant of the wild. This is a God-knows-what drawback, because cases in which an animal needs to be taken out are very rare. However, in a situation of extinction of a species, when one representative is wild, and the second is from the zoo, mating may not occur due to the unattractiveness of one of the partners and the inability to survive in the wild.


Not all zoos are as bad as they seem. If the animals are watched by people who really know what they are doing, these organizations do much more good than harm. But if it is obvious that the management of the zoo is not coping with its duties, and the animals are suffering, it is necessary to sound the alarm and take action. To do this, of course, you need to be very careful.

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04.02.2022 19:06

Capital letters are not really an aspect of punctuation, but it is convenient to deal with them here. The rules for using them are mostly very simple.

(a) The first word of a sentence, or of a fragment, begins with a capital letter:

The bumbling wizard Rincewind is Pratchett's most popular character.

Will anyone now alive live to see a colony on the moon? Probably not.

Distressingly few pupils can locate Iraq or Japan on a map of the world.

(b) The names of the days of the week, and of the months of the year, are written with a capital letter:

Next Sunday France will hold a general election.

Mozart was born on 27 January, 1756.

Football practice takes place on Wednesdays and Fridays.

However, the names of seasons are not written with a capital:

Like cricket, baseball is played in the summer.

Do not write *"... in the Summer".

(c) The names of languages are always written with a capital letter. Be careful about this; it's a very common mistake.

Juliet speaks English, French, Italian and Portuguese.

I need to work on my Spanish irregular verbs.

Among the major languages of India are Hindi, Gujarati and Tamil.

These days, few students study Latin and Greek.

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