Help me study the model essay and answer the questions. in which paragraph (1-4) does the 1. describe the arguments for? how many does she/he describe? 2. describe the arguments against? how many does she/he describe? 3. give his/her opinion?
Хело! Ай ем Анна Вайт. Ай ем ту велкоум ю ту инглиш лессен. Ай ем ван оф де инглиш тъюдорс оф де ембеси скул оф инглиш ин хастинс.Ай коум фром де хастинс ин де юнитед кингдом.Хастинс ис а бьюрефол сисайд таун ин де сюут оф ингланд. Нау ай ворк ин Алматы ин ёр скул. Амар, Дмитрий, Чан, Кароль анд Виктор ар май ???пьюпилс?? Ай хев тайтс тем инглиш фор ту йерс. Ай хев бин а тичр фор сикс йерс; айв мит скул чилджрен фром дифренд скул. Ай енджёй воркинг вит янг пипл. Ай визитед де юесей, кенада, итали анд френс. Нау айм ин Казахстан. Ай лов лисенинг а мьюзик, бат ай донт плей ени инструмент. Айм мериед анд хев ту чилджрен. Нау ю тел ми обаут ёрселф
Ай хев бин а тичр фор сикс йерс; айв мит скул чилджрен фром дифренд скул. Ай енджёй воркинг вит янг пипл. Ай визитед де юесей, кенада, итали анд френс. Нау айм ин Казахстан. Ай лов лисенинг а мьюзик, бат ай донт плей ени инструмент. Айм мериед анд хев ту чилджрен. Нау ю тел ми обаут ёрселф
1) could - can
2) would - will
3) might - may
4) had to - must
5) that - this
6) those - these
7) there - here
“You must leave,” he told us.
He told us (that) we had to leave.
1) states the exact words that a speaker used - Direct Speech (sometimes called quoted speech)
2) reports what the speaker said but without using the exact words - Indirect Speech (also called Reported Speech)
1) Past Simple (did) - Present Simple (do/does)
2) Past Continuous (was/were doing) - Present Continuous (am/is/are doing)
3) Past Perfect (had done) - Present Perfect (have/has done)
4) Future in the past (would do) - Future Simple (will do)
She says, "I like chocolate."
She says (that) she likes chocolate.
1) then - now
2) that day - today
3) the day before / the previous day - yesterday
4) a week before / the previous week - a week ago
5) the week/month/year before / the previous week/month/year - last week/month/year
6) the following week/month/year - next week/month/year
7) three years from then - in three years
8) the next / the following day - tomorrow
9) that night - tonight
“Are you feeling well?”
4) I asked him if he was feeling well.
“Keep to a diet!” he told me.
He told me to keep to a diet.
“Why did you come late?” she asked.
4) She asked him why he had come late.
told, offered, said, invited, promised
Во втором и пятом упражнениях я поставила that в скобку, потому что и с that, и без него предложение будет правильным.