HET SIM-Kaptul
@ 48%
Earthquakes are natural disasters that humans cannot control.
Sometimes earthquakes can be very dangerous and people need to
know more about where earthquakes come from, and how to protect
themselves from them and any other natural disasters.
Earthquakes are the shaking, rolling or sudden shock of
the earth's surface. They are the Earth's natural means of
releasing pressure. More than a million occur in the world each
year. Earthquakes can be felt over large areas although they
usually last less than a minute. However, earthquakes cannot be
predicted although scientists are still working on the problem.
There are about 20 plates along the surface of the earth that
move continuously and slowly past each other. When the plates
squeeze or stretch, huge rocks form at their edges and the rocks
shift with great force, causing an earthquake. As the plates move
they put forces on themselves and each other. When the force is
large enough, the crust is forced to break..
Shaking and ground breaking are the main effects created by
earthquakes, principally resulting in more or less severe damage to
buildings and other structures. The severity of the effect depends
on the complex combination of the earthquake magnitude. Ground
break is a major risk for large engineering structures such as dams,
bridges and nuclear power stations and requires careful mapping of
existing faults to identify any likely to break the ground surface
within the life of the structure.
Task 1
1- The above reading is mainly about
a. the destruction caused by earthquakes b. protecting
people from earthquakes
c. describing a violent earthquake d. why and where
earthquakes occur
2- Earthquake are considered natural disaster because
a. they are man-made
b. man has no
control over them
c. man can control them
d. they are
always expected
3- What does the shaking of the ground result in?
a- damage to buildings and structures
releasing energy into air
c-breaking and shifting of rocks
d- all of
the above
4. Earthquakes are considered disastrous for people and
properties because:
a- earthquakes happen in cities
b- man can
Cars burn petrol, factories burn coal and emit toxic fumes. The pollution is gathered in clouds that the winds carry far away. When it rains pollution lands on everything that surrounds us. This is called acid rain. Acid rain also gets into lakes, rivers, seas, and soil and pollutes everything causing serious damage. Fortunately, the governments have been trying to reduce the air pollution using new technologies. But we have to do more! but we need to do more. We can help reduce the amount of acid rain by using ours cars less or by using solar power to heat our homes.
11:16 млрд
Как гамбургер стал самым популярным,
самая типичная американская еда? Он получил свое название от
немецкий город Гамбург, который славился своими стейками. Немецкие иммигранты в США представили «стейк-гамбургер». McDonald's продает гамбургеры, один из самых известных ресторанов быстрого питания в мире. Вы можете найти их в Японии, Германии, Панаме, Гватемале, Австралии, Португалии, Гонконге и даже в Москве. Фактически, их 13 000 в 120 странах. Что делает американский фаст-фуд таким популярным? Ли Чо, южнокорейский, говорит: «Я часто хожу в McDonald's. Он чистый, менее дорогой, чем другие рестораны, и экономит время». Наталья Петрова, девушка из Москвы, говорит: «Я нахожу гамбургеры очень вкусными». Пожилые люди очень критично относятся к такой пище. Многие молодые люди в США имеют избыточный вес, и родители винят в этом высококалорийную пищу, которую их дети едят в больших количествах.
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