HI, EVERYONE! Thanks for reading my blog. I'm sorry that I'm not writing /1 don't write/l haven't written anything for weeks. I've been really busy. Finally, I've got a little/a few time on my own with the computer! Ellie and Oliver have been/gone to bed and Jim and Sarah watch/are watching a film in the other room. It was Daniel's birthday last Sunday and he has had/he had a barbecue. I didn't know it was his birthday, so l haven't/hadn't bought a present for him. (I bought him a book next day.) The barbecue was a great fun. I met some/any really interesting people. But the most/best/more exciting part was the badminton tournament. I won it! While we were in the garden, some wallets was/were stolen from the house. Daniel called the police but they weren't coming/didn't come. This is my last month in England. l go/Tm going home in three weeks! I wish I can/l could stay a bit longer, but I've already bought my plane ticket. I phoned the travel agency, but they said that I didn't/ couldn't change it. I've really enjoyed living/to live with this family. I'm sure l'll see them again soon. If I have enough money, I'm visiting/rl visit them next year.
Before the 19th century, artists mainly made artwork for the wealthy people and the religious groups. They were controlled by the academy and painted in a way that mainstream society recognized. Many of their paintings depicted scenes of mythology and church. However in the 19th century, industrialization brought many new technologies to ordinary people, making the impossible possible. Many artists began to create artworks to explore the concept of symbolism. Many of their subjects were daily things such as ordinary people, normal places and the things they had direct experience on. They challenged the traditional concept that artists must depict realistic worlds. Instead, they used a wide range of colors, materials and techniques to…show more content…
Van Gogh depicted clouds and stars in whirly shape in order to direct the viewer´s eye around the painting. When standing in front the painting, one would spontaneously be attracted by those swirls and would follow one swirl to another.
Атмосфералық ауаның әр түрлі зиянды заттармен былғануы, адамдар органының ауруына, оның ішінде тыныс мүшелерінің ауруына әкеліп соғады.
Мысалы, түрлі түсті металлургияның кәсіпорындарының ауаға жіберетін зиянды заттары жүрек – тамыр ауруларының өсуіне, жүйкенің бұзылуына, қатерлі ісік ауруларының пайда болуына әкеледі. Қара метал мен электр қуаты кәсіпорындарының ауаға шығаратын заттары өкпе ауруларына шалдықтырады. Химия өнеркәсібінің ауаға шығаратын зиянды заттары аллергияның, без және жыныс ауруларының пайда болуына әсер етеді.
Атмосферада табиғи және антропогендік көздерден қосылатын әр түрлі қосындылыр әр кездерде де болады. Ондай табиғи қосындыларға шаңдар жатады, олар, негізінен, өсімдіктер түрлерінен, вулкандардан, эрозияға ұшыраған топырақтан, ғарыш шаңдарынан тұрады және өрт түтіндері, газдар да жатады.