Hi Patrick, Greetings from Ireland! It's amazing here. It's a really beautiful country. It's got some 1)... and 2) Yesterday, we visited 3) . where we saw an underground 4) . It was great! Today, we 5) . . in Dublin. We are going to 6) and then we are going to 7) . It's a pity you aren't here. See you soon. Andy.
My favorite book is " Harry Potter " .
I think everybody knows the plot of „Harry Potter”. This is a novel about a boy-wizard and about the magic world, about the fight between good and evil, about friendship and honour. The whole generation has been devouring this set of books. But it is not only an interesting thing to read. It teaches children and young people a lot of things. First of all, that good always wins. Second, the most powerful thing in the world is love, especially parents’ love. And the third – it doesn’t matter how strong the evil is. You can conquer it only if you stay true to yourself and only if you have those who love you.
I agree with a proverb “Choose an author as you choose a friend”, and I’d advise all children to read „Harry Potter”
Моего любимого героя зовут Чиполлино. Он из сказки Джанни Родари. Имя Чиполлино обозначает луковка. Он из большой луковой семьи. Его семья жила в деревянной лачуге.
По характеру Чиполлино добрый, веселый, неунывающий, справедливый, бесстрашный и храбрый.
Чиполлино жителям своей страны освободиться от власти жестокого принца Лимона, злого сеньора Помидора и противных графинь Вишен. Чиполлино и его друзьям удается освободить из тюрьмы всех узников, разбить лимонное войско и выгнать принца Лимона вместе с его лимончиками из королевства, а замок графинь Вишен превратить во Дворец для детей.
Мне очень нравится Чиполлино, потому что он никогда не бросит друга в беде и всегда нуждающимся.
My favorite character is called Chipollino. He's from a fairy tale by Gianni Rodari. The name denotes a Cipollino onion. He of the large onion family. His family lived in a wooden shack. Character Chipollino kind, merry, cheerful, fair, fearless and brave. Cipollino helps people of his country to be freed from the power of the cruel Prince Lemon, Signor Tomato evil and nasty countesses Cherry. Cipollino and his friends manage to release from prison of all prisoners, beat lemon army and drive out of Prince Lemon with its lemon from the Kingdom, and the castle of Countess Cherry to turn into a Palace for children. I really like Cipollino, because he would never abandon a friend in trouble and always help those in need.