High, deep, dry, wet, a desert, an ocean, a mountain, the jungle, a kangaroo, a rhino, an ostrich, a whale, an eagle, a polar hear, a koala, a shark, adolphin, a camel, a panda, a lizard, an octopus, a penguin, a cheetah, a forest, a meadow, afield, a hill, a swamp, go into, go out of, go through, go up, go down, o across как правельно произносить
(Friend) 2) Hi, I'm O'K. I've heard that you know something about the UK.
1) Yes, I know a lot of information about it.
2) Could you tell me, who lives in the United Kingdom?
1) There are British people in the main, but there are a lot of other nationalities too.
2) And what is the weather there?
1) Oh, UK is so rainly and hazy country.
2) And when will you go to the UK?
1) I want to visit it in the next year.
2) Thank you for this interesting information. Bye!
1) So long!