HL 1. I got a discount of/to10 percent on the purchase. 2. My answer to/on your question is in this envelop. 3. I attended the university for/with one year only. 4. There seemed to be little point in/to continuing the discussion. 5. There are no prices on/in this menu. 6. The cat jumped over/from the wall. 7. The wineglass fell off/down the table and shattered on/out the floor.
Task 2
Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs: fall out, find out, point out,
work out, pass out, fill out.
1. Dave and I ___ after a long argument.
2. Her parents that she had a boyfriend.
3. She was quick to that it wasn't her fault.
4. It took me several hours to the application form.
5. He felt sick and dizzy and then .
6. I couldn't all the answers to the crossword puzzle.
Килиан Джорнет родился в Сабаделе в 1987 году.
экстремальный спорт скайраннинг: бег вверх и вниз
горы. Его отец - горный гид, а его мать -
учитель горного спорта, поэтому Килиан научился кататься на лыжах, когда
он был один. В шесть лет он поднялся на гору 4000 м, и
он начал заниматься лыжным спортом, когда ему было 13 лет. Килиан выиграл
первую гонку по скайраннингу, когда ему было 17 лет. Он был мировым
чемпион в 2007, 2008 и 2009 годах и выиграл Ультра-
Trail du Mont-Blanc (166 км) трижды до того, как ему стало 25 лет. Он поднялся на Килиманджаро в Африке менее чем за шесть часов.
(рекорд 2010 г.), пробежав 190 км за
33 часа в Гималаях возле Эвереста
Извини бро но задание пр креплённое на фото так и не понял. Я написал перевод текста про Килиана. Задание попробуй сделать сам. ⬇️⬇️
1 Kate often rings up her mother in London, she studies at the Manchester
2 What time does he usually has dinner?
3 When I get home I make a cup of coffee and turn on TV.
4 It is half past ten now. John is outside and checks his car. He says he will be ready in an hour or so.
5 We must hurry or we won't catch the train.
6 How long have you been waiting for me?
1 When I was 20, I went to the United States. Travelling by (-) plane was too expensive, so I decided to travel by (-) coach.
2 I’ve just bought a car. And where is the car you bought last year?
3 It was such a wonderful performance that we applauded for fifteen minutes.
4 They are discussing the matter at the moment.
5 We used to walk a lot when we didn’t have a car.
1 How do you usually get to University?
2 Why don’t you write in ink?
3 He finally decided to give up smoking.
4 They had to put off the wedding because of his father’s illness.
5 She’s been learning Grammar for 3 months.
1 He was in no need for help.
2 I think this video film is less interesting than that one.
3 All work was done in one day.
4 Would you like some more juice?
5 I was tired and so were the others.
1 The hotel was neither comfortable nor clean.
2 The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables.
3 Could I borrow your camera?
4 How long has she been learning Italian?
5 It had stopped raining by the evening.
A lot of Japanese parents arrange marriages for their children. This is
because they feel that marriage affects not only the young couple but the
whole family. They believe that it is important that the young people
have the same interests and that they come from the same social
background. A lot of arranged marriages are successful
and help the tradition of the Japanese family to continue.