Holland is a small country in the north of Europe, but it has more bikes than any other nation in the world. Nowadays people, especially those who live in big cities, know that cycling is a great way to get to your work or school and a great way to fight pollution. Many other countries in Europe follow this example and use bikes as often as possible.
Cycling is also great exercise for our bodies. Nowadays lots of people don't have enough physical activity. They prefer to stay indoors, watch television, or sit in front of their computers. This lifestyle makes people weak and gives them health problems. Some of the most important rules for those who want to keep in good health is to get enough exercise, eat the right kind of food, and to be positive and optimistic.
1. Holland shows other European countries how they can protect their
2. Cycling helps to make the air, water, and soil cleaner.
3. Cycling is an easy way to get to work or to school.
4. The modern lifestyle helps everybody to be physically fit.
5. The text states what people should do to be healthy.
6. All the rules which the text gives are about physical health.
The rabbit is an amazing animal, he is very smart and funny. My bunny is dazzling white, and near his eyes he has black stripes, as if he painted his eyes with eyeliner. It looks very funny, and I really like how funny and funny my rabbit looks.
My favorite name is Prince. He is indeed a little capricious and likes to have everything the way he wants. For example, if he does not want to approach when we call him, then he pretends to be deaf and does not even turn to our voices. But if he wants to put on his arms, he will jump onto his knees until you let him stay there, even if you have no time and you have already thrown him off his knees ten times.
The prince loves to play with small soft toys, but you need to make sure that he does not chew them. And also, when the prince is not in a cage, but walks around the room, you need to watch out for everything, because he can chew on anything at all. After all, rabbits love to chew!
1) Уже решили?
C) Спрашивает, произошло ли ожидаемое действие или нет.
2) Я до сих пор (ещё) не решил.
B) Подчеркивает ожидаемое действие, которое не произошло.
3) Он уже решил.
A) Описывает действие, которое произошло раньше, чем мы ожидали.
1) still - до сих пор
2) already - уже
3) yet - еще
1) My friend and I have already decided our next adventure.
Мы с другом уже решили наше следующее приключение.
2) We haven't asked our parents yet.
Мы еще не спросили наших родителей.
3) I've already borrowed a surfboard.
Я уже одолжил доску для серфинга.
4) We still haven't organized transport.
Мы до сих пор не организовали транспорт.
5 We haven't bought any food yet.
Мы еще не купили еды.