Homework Write the sentences in order. Напишите предложения по порядку.
a) I put on clothes.
8 e) I get to school at 7.45.
b) I get washed.
3. f) I usually brush my teeth.
c) I have breakfast with my family.
g) | brush my hair.
d) I wake up at 7.10 and get up at 7.20. 7h) I leave home.
whаt уоu dо at these times. Напишите, что вы делаете в это
1.. He WEARS trainers and a tracksuit every Sports lesson. (Present Simple)
2. We ARE COOKING at the kitchen now. (Present Continuous)
3. They often DRINK tea every evening. (Present Simple)
4. Now the weather is cold, PUT ON your jacket. (Present Simple)
5. Where are your brother? He IS RUNNING now. (Present Continuous)
6. Her children JUMP every day. (Present Simple)
7. I AM SWIMMING with my friends now. (Present Continuous)
8. He always READS interesting stories his children in the evening. (Present Simple)
Если действие повторяется (every day, every evening и тд.) - используем Present Simple Простое настоящее
Если действие происходит сейчас (now) - используем Present Continuous (Progressive) настоящее продолженное