хотя бы с одним заданием 3. Put all possible questions to the following sentences.
a) Students live in hostels with excellent facilities.
e.g.: Do students live in hostels with excellent facilities?
Do students or lecturers live in hostels with excellent facilities?
Students live in hostels with excellent facilities, don’t they?
Who lives in hostels with excellent facilities?
Where do students live?
What kind of hostels do students live in?
b) A team of designers created a new engine.
c) Graduates carry out scientific research to get a PhD.
d) The department of foreign languages will cooperate with the military
department in the future.
e) The university has bought a new helicopter for its aircraft fleet.
f) There are many sport facilities on the campus.
g) Catering facility is important for students of full-time tuition.
4. Imagine you are going to study abroad for three months. You’d like to get more
information about the college. Ask 10 questions to find out the following.
a) location of the campus
b) accommodation facilities
c) course fee
d) application procedure
e) practicum part of the programme
f) number of lectures a week
g) exams
h) facilities on campus
i) part-time jobs for students
j) subjects in this curriculum
3) Что англичане говорили о времени?
4) Что думали консервы о своем новом ребенке?
5) Где жил Том Канти?
6) Как выглядели дома в этой части Лондона?
7) Сколько комнат было у семьи Тома? Как это выглядело?
8) Из кого состояла семья?
9) Как консервы зарабатывали на жизнь?
10) Они были счастливой дружной семьей, не так ли?
11) Том ходил в школу? Мог ли он читать и писать?
12) Какими были соседи Тома в Судном дворе?
13) Какова была повседневная жизнь Тома?
14) О чем Том думал и мечтал все время?
15) Как чтение и сновидения Тома изменили его?
16) Что люди в Оффал-Корт думают о Томе?
In late February and early March, Russia celebrates Shrovetide.So, forthe whole week, ancient Russian villagers had fun and games. They built a straw dummy of the Shrovetide Maid, then put it on asledge and pulled it around the village. On the last day of the festival, theyburnt it and chanted: “We are seeing off Shrovetide and waiting for the sun tocome! Come to us, spring, with your joy and kindness!'The most important part of Shrovetide week wasmaking and eating pancakes The hot, round pancakes symbolized Yarilo. The Slavsbelieved that by eating pancakes, they got the power, light and warmth of thesun.