Прикладная физика - applied physics;
передача и прием информации - transmission and reception of information; поток электронов - the flow of electrons;
трудно представить - it is difficult to imagine;
научные исследования - scientific research;
промышленное проектирование - industrial designing;
вычислять траекторию космических кораблей - calculate the trajectories of space-ships;
обнаруживать явления природы - discover phenomena of nature;
благодаря электронике - due to electronics;
отправная точка - the starting point;
управлению сигналами - assist in manipulation of signals;
быстрый рост - rapid growth;
разнообразие ламп - variety of tubes;
создание первых компьютеров - creation of early computers;
полностью заменил - completely replaced;
полупроводниковый кристалл - a semiconductor (chip);
уменьшить вес - reduce weight;
сократить стоимость - reduce cost;
потребление электроэнергии - power consumption;
высокая надежность - high reliability;
твердотельные компоненты - solid-state components;
довольно быстро... но гораздо ниже - fast enough..., but far below ;
высокоскоростной компьютер - high-speed computer;
микроволновые системы связи - microwave communication systems;
полупроводниковая технология - semiconductor technology;
область науки - a field of science;
интегральная схема - integrated circuit;
пакетная обработка - batch processing;
сборка дискретных компонентов на кристалле - assembling descrete components on a chip;
снизить производственные затраты - lower manufacturing costs;
обеспечить высокую скорость - provide high speed.
Suddenly he (was striken) by an idea. In a moment his glass eye (was taken) out of its socket, and ( placed) on the table.
“Now, children”, he said, “I (am going) out for a few minutes but you (will be observed) all the time by my eye. If anything (is done) which (has not been approved) by me it (will be seen) by my eye, and the child (will be punished) when I (return).
The children (were impressed) very much, and the teacher (went) off.
But when he ( returned) an hour later it ( seemed) that a hurricane (had passed) through the classroom. The teacher (was astounded). “Evidently”, he thought,”I (have been outwited). I wonder how”.
In the classroom the tables (were overturned), the walls ( spattered) with ink from ink-bombs which (had been thrown) during the battle which still (was being fought) out as a manifestation of high spirits. In fact, a good time (had been had) by all.
The teacher ( wondered) why the presence of his glass eye (was not respected). He ( looked) round for it and ( saw) that it (was covered) by a hat.