I 1. Read the text and answer the questions: This family is very big. Abraham is Homer's father, and Mona is Homer's mother. Herb is Homer's brother and Bart's uncle. Marge is Homer's wife. Homer is her husband. Her father is Clancy and her mother is Jackie. Marge has 2 sisters, Patty and Selma. Selma has a daughter called Ling. She is Bart, Lisa and Maggie's cousin. Selma is their aunt. Homer and Marge have 3 children. Their son is Bart and their two daughters are Lisa and Maggie. a) true or false? 1. The Simpsons family is small 2. Marge has one brother and one sister. 3. Ling is the daughter of Selma. 4. Homer and Marge have 3 children. 5. Homer and Marge have 2 sons and 1 daughter. b) Complete the sentences unsing the words from the text. 1. Maggie is Homer and Marge's 2. Ling is Bart and Lisa's 3. Bart is Lisa's 4. Maggie is Lisa's 5. Marge is Homer's 6. Herb is Lisa's 7. Abraham is Bart's 8. Homer is Marge's 9. Patty is Maggies's 10. Ling is Maggie's 11. Jackie is Lisa's 12. Selma is Bart's
The old man, dying, asks his three sons, so that they alternately spent one night in his grave. Big brother doesn't want to spend the night at the grave, and asks the youngest, Ivan the fool, he could spend the night instead. Ivan agrees. At midnight from the grave comes the father, He invokes a powerful horse Sivko-cloak and tells him that he served the son. The middle brother does the same as a senior. Again, at the grave of Ivan spends the night, and midnight is the same. On the third night, when comes the turn of Ivan all over again. King throws a cry: who will break the portrait of the Princess, on the fly (i.e. towel) is drawn, with a high house for the Princess in marriage will go. The eldest and middle brothers are going to watch how they will portrait the tearing. The fool asks them, brothers, give him the three-legged Mare, and themselves go. Ivan Sivko calls-Burke, in one ear horse goes in another comes out and becomes good. He goes for portrait. The horse jumps high, but lacks the portrait of only three logs. The brothers see it. Back home they tell their wives of the delete done, but I don't know that it is their brother. The next day is the same — Ivan again a bit lacking. The third time he breaks the portrait. The king's summons to the feast of the people of all classes. Ivan the fool, too, comes and sits down behind the stove. Princess treats guests and looks: who will wipe the pants with a portrait? But she does not see Ivan the Feast goes on another day, but the Princess again, finds Mr right. The third time she finds behind the stove Ivan the fool with a portrait and happy leads to his father. Brothers Ivan astonished. Play wedding. Ivan, Yes priodevshis positives becomes a stiff upper lip: "it is not Ivan the fool, Ivan the Tsar's son-in-law".
The painting the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is believed to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, who was a spouse of a Florentine merchant.
In the portrait we can see a fairly young woman sitting half-turned on a chair. Her gaze is fixed on us. There is a scarcely perceptible smile on her face. Her wavy hair falls on her shoulders. Her head is covered with a dark veil. Her face, brightly lit, is framed with dark objects, which brings our attention to it.
The woman is sitting upright with her arms folded. She is wearing a deep-green dress. Her shoulders are covered with a shawl.
Looking at the portrait we can see that the woman is sitting on the balcony. Behind her back there is a desolate land with a lake. In the background snow-covered mountains are seen.
The portrait is considered to be one of the best specimens of a portrait genre.
Считается, что картина Леонардо да Винчи «Мона Лиза» – это портрет Лизы Герардини, жены флорентийского торговца.
На портрете изображена достаточно молодая женщина, сидящая на стуле вполоборота. Ее взгляд устремлен на зрителя. На губах играет чуть заметная улыбка. Волнистые волосы спадают на плечи. Голова покрыта легкой темной вуалью. Ее ярко освещенное лицо обрамлено темными предметами, что приковывает наше внимание к нему.
Женщина сидит прямо, ее руки сложены. Она одета в темно-зеленое платье. На ее плечи накинута шаль.
Глядя на портрет, можно заметить, что женщина сидит на балконе. За ее спиной простирается пустынная местность с озером. На заднем плане виднеются заснеженные горы.
Эта картина является одним из лучших образцов портретного жанра.