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08.03.2020 17:58 •  Английский язык

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
1. Jenny isn’t here, she at her friend’s house tonight.
A stays B will stay C is staying
2. Ben tells the jokes I’ve ever heard.
A funnier B funniest C most funny
3. This picture at the beginning of the century.
A was painted B had painted C painted
4. You get a taxi to the airport. I’ll give you a lift if you want.
A mustn’t B don’t have to C can’t
5. After the huge earthquake, the small village was left ruins.
A in B on C by
6. We for three hours before we decided to take a break.
A must be trekking B had been trekking C have been trekking
7. Although Nathan has a very nose, he’s actually quite handsome.
A bushy B curly C crooked
8. A good way to a problem is to think about it calmly and carefully.
A win B beat C gain
9. I usually like eating out, but tonight I’d like at home.
A eating B I eat C to eat
10. Ann asked her new classmate where from.
A did he come B he came C does he come

II. Vocabulary
A Fill in the missing word/ phrase. There are two answers you do not need to use.
Showed up, acquaintances, niece, slim, got over, stubborn, colleagues, shrugged, tapping, reliable
1. Pam is so ! She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.
2. I don’t think Ann is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t her cold.
3. I only met Ted three weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just .
4. Don’t worry, Mike will be here on time; he’s very .
5. When we complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just
his shoulders and said he couldn’t do anything about them.
6. Ben was his foot nervously while he was waiting for his test results.
7. When Alan told his that he was leaving the company, they decided to buy him a
going- away present.
8. Kate is a pretty girl with green eyes and a(n) build.
III. Reading
Read the text and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).
Too cool for school
You’ve always wanted to be popular in school. You’ve dreamt a thousand times what it would be like to be the star of your school’s football team or that tall blonde girl who everyone fancies.
‘Cool’ people are attractive, confident and always wear stylish outfits. Everyone wants to hang out with them. But often “cool” people aren’t very nice! They can be selfish and bossy. At times they get impatient with people who might be shy or a bit quiet.
If you really want to make some true friends, here are some tips. Don’t choose friends based on looks. What really matters in a friend is not being slim and beautiful but reliable and generous. Choose friends who are humorous, talkative and who never treat others badly. In fact, these are the people who are truly cool! Try to choose friends that you can actually benefit from. Those who are creative and have interests other than fashion and parties.
Be flexible but don’t say or do things that make you feel uncomfortable just to make ‘cool’ people like you. Always speak your mind. Those who really care for you will still be your friends- even if at times you drive them crazy. Remember: real friends are those you can open up to. Those who will hold their tongue and will never give away your secrets.
Take a minute and think. What really matters? Making friends that count or counting friends?

1. Popular kids in school are often selfish and bossy.
2. It is better to hold your tongue and never speak your mind or you will end up all alone.
3. You will benefit more from having one friend who is creative and interesting than having ten who are boring. _
4. A true friend will care for you even if at times you get on their nerves.
5. “Cool” people are usually ugly.

IV. Everyday English

Choose the correct response.
1. Can I offer you something? A So am I.
2. Excuse me! B Take care.
3. Talk to you later. C Yes, can I help you?
4. I’m glad you came. D Fine, thanks.
5. How’s it going? E No thanks, I’m fine.

Показать ответ
22.11.2020 07:40

School is an integral part of any child's life! There you can make friends, learn new things and have fun. But still, in order not to cause chaos in the school, some rules are needed. Basic school rules - the usual snouts that are easy to implement. One of the elemantar rules is discipline, each student must come before the lesson begins. Also in the school there are many unspoken rules, for example, rudeness and rude vision has never been welcomed in schools. Although there are many rules in schools, but oam


Школа є невід'ємною частиною життя будь-якої дитини! Там ви можете завести друзів, дізнатися нові речі і отримувати задоволення. Але все-таки, для того, щоб не було хаосу у школі, потрібні деякі правила. Основні правила школи - звичайні правила , яких легко дотримуватись . Одним з елемантарнмх правил є дисципліна, кожен учень повинен прийти до початку уроку. Також у школі є багато не офіційних правил, наприклад, грубіянство і агресія ніколи не вважвлись нормою в школах в школах. Хоча є багато правил в школах, але там весело!

Сорі, на більше мені фантазіїї не хватить, можеш скомбінувати мою відповідь з відповідями інших :Р

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04.09.2020 13:48

Best fashion designer know exactly how to realize great clothes and complete collection: a good fashion show production or organizer must keep in mind that to have a successful result it is fundamental to have a great team of consultant supporting the designer, people really well coordinated and working together to communicate and emphasize the fashion designer creativity and ideas.

A good producer has to take care of everything from A to Z.

A professional fashion show oriented toward International press and buyers MUST:

1) Have a central, comfortable, wide LOCATION with nice foyer, big backstage with separate entrance and high ceiling .

2) Invest in a GREAT CASTING (about 20 models for about 50 outifts)

3) GIVE EMOTIONS. As more as people feel great emotions as more they will remember your show.

4) Treat all the audience like special guest: have to make them feel like they are coming to the designer open house.

5) Do special FINAL: use lighting or music or special effects at the end of the show and not while the girls are walking on catwalk during the show.


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