I'm really busy at the moment! i don't have
any free time! well, i have a bit. i went to a
concert last night. we had a great time! what
did you do last night? what else do you do in
your free time?
anyway, i had an exam last week. it was hard!
i got the result yesterday, and i passed!
can you believe it?
напишите письмо по этим вопросам 30
2. I will go to the library on Monday. As a rule I go to the library every Wednesday. But yersterday I did not go there.
3.Yersterday I put five apples into the vase. Where they are now?
4.Why she is sleeping now? It is 11 o'clock. She never sleeps at this time.
5.Mike eats ice-cream every day. Look, he is eating ice-cream now
6. Whene the ship crossed ocean, a great storm will break out.
7. A great number of students study in the reading-room because it's very quit there.
1) Teachers must be polite. - Учителя должны быть вежливыми.
2) Teachers must know their subjects well/ Учителя должны хорошо знать свой предмет.
3) Teachers must consider the opinions of students - Учителя дожны учитывать мнение учеников
1) Teachers must not be late at the lessons. - Учителя не должны опаздывать на уроки.
2) Teachers must not speak rudely to anybody. - Учителя не должны разговаривать грубо с кем бы то ни было.
3) Teachers must not shout at the students. - Учителя не должны кричать на учеников.
1) Teachers can come to any students during the lesson. - Учителя подходить к любым ученикам во время урока.
2) Teachers can come out of the classroom during the lesson if they need. - Учителя могут выйти из класса во время урока, если им нужно.
1) Teachers cannot give a bad mark for the student's behavior at the lesson in the class register - Учителя не могут ставить плохие оценки за поведение на уроке в классный журнал.
2) Teachers cannot come to school in dirty clothers. - Учителя не могут приходить в школу в грязной одежде