I may/ might spend my holidays in Spain. The weather might / may be better tomorrow.
Dennis can/could play piano since he was 13.
You can / could find any kind of information on the Internet.
I cannot / can run so fast!
We must / mustn't build this house
by autumn.
We should / must think about wild life more often.
You /need/ needn't buy mineral water, we have plenty
He must / can take better care of himself.
We can/ need your help.
I had to / need go to see the doctor last week because I was very ill.
Could / can you give me his address?
pet - cat
name - Vaska (Васька)
age - 1 year
description - It's black cat, medium height, brown eyes, male
activities - always wants to eat, starts hissing when you stop petting the cat.
Hello. My name is (your name). I want to tell you about my pet.
His name is Vaska. This is a cat. He is 1 year old. He is black in color with brown eyes and is of average height. Vaska is very playful, but for some reason he always wants to eat. It also starts to hiss if you stop petting it. This is how he shows his displeasure.
It's all about my cat Vaska.
1)A seemingly useless book. However, depending on each person's point of view, some people find some books to be useless. I don't think a book is bad if it makes sense.
2) The longer your chosen piece, the better your brain works. Solid memory and logic Rich vocabulary
3)It is generally best to read a printed book. Because if you read it with the right lighting, your vision will stay in order. Since at the moment not everyone has paper books, there is no money or time to buy, it is better to read e-books at such moments.
everyone has paper books, there is no money or time to buy, it is better to read e-books at such moments .
4)Probably yes reading scientific literature will be useful.
5)I think that the best way to relax is to walk in the fresh air, listen to music, watch a film, read the book. Since all different, relax.
1) Кажущаяся бесполезной книга. Однако, в зависимости от точки зрения каждого человека, некоторые люди считают некоторые книги бесполезными. Я не думаю, что книга плоха, если в ней есть смысл.
2) Чем длиннее выбранная вами пьеса, тем лучше работает ваш мозг. Твердая память и логика богатый словарный запас
3) обычно лучше всего читать печатную книгу. Потому что если Вы читаете его при правильном освещении, ваше зрение останется в порядке. Так как на данный момент не у всех есть бумажные книги, нет ни денег, ни времени на покупку, то лучше читать электронные книги в такие моменты.
у всех есть бумажные книги, нет ни денег, ни времени покупать, лучше в такие моменты читать электронные.
4) Наверное, да, чтение научной литературы будет полезно.
5) я думаю, что лучший расслабиться-это прогуляться на свежем воздухе, послушать музыку, посмотреть фильм, почитать книгу. Так как все разные, расслабьтесь