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24.12.2021 18:03 •  Английский язык

I. Reading : “ My Holiday in Vancouver”

My summer holidays are often a little boring, but my summer holiday last year was great – my family and I got onto an airplane and flew to Vancouver! It was our first time to visit Canada. We got up very early almost every day and did lots of really fun and interesting things. On our first day, we visited Stanley Park and the Vancouver Art Gallery. Later in the week, we visited some museums and then got on a special boat to watch whales. It was fantastic! I took lots of photos. Of course, we also visited our cousins who live in Vancouver. One evening, they had a barbeque and we ate at their home. After we finished our food, we invited them to come to our home one day. Unfortunately, we didn’t swim in the ocean because the water was too cold, but we did do many other fun things. Finally, after two weeks, before we left Vancouver, my family and I went shopping and bought lots of souvenirs to help us remember our time in Canada. Maybe we can travel again during my next summer holiday. Maybe we can make plans to visit Japan or Brazil!

1. What is the article about?

(a) Vancouver

(b) A person’s holiday

(c) Things to do in Canada

2. On his first day in Vancouver, he visited a park and some museums.

(a) TRUE


(c) It doesn’t say.

3. What did he probably take with him on a boat?

(a) a camera

(b) a sandwich to eat

(c) a book

4. What does the word ‘their’ refer to?

(a) food

(b) the barbeque

(c) his cousins

5. Which of these things is most probably a ‘souvenir’?

(a) fruits and vegetables

(b) a T-shirt with the word ‘Vancouver’ on it

(c) a special boat to watch whales

6. He wants to go to another country next year.

(a) TRUE


(c) He doesn’t say.

II. Use of English:

Reported Speech

1) Alma asked, ” Have you been to London ?”

A) Alma asked if I had been to London.

B) Alma asked if you had been to London.

C) Alma asked if have I been to London.

D) Alma asked have you been to London.

E) Alma asked you have been to London.

2) “Will you be waiting for me at 7 p.m.?” the mother asked Ann.

A) The mother asked Ann if she would be waiting for her at 7 p.m.

B) The mother asked Ann if she would be waiting for me at 7 p.m.

C) The mother asked Ann if she will be waiting for her at 7 p.m.

D) The mother asked Ann if she should be waiting for her at 7 p.m.

E) The mother asked Ann she would be waiting for her at 7 p.m.

3) She asked, “ How many cities are there in Kazakhstan?”

A) She wondered how many were cities there in Kazakhstan.

B) She wondered how many there are cities in Kazakhstan.

C) She wondered how many cities are there in Kazakhstan.

D) She wondered how many cities there was in Kazakhstan.

E) She wondered how many cities there were in Kazakhstan.

4) The child asks his mother,” What time is it?”

A) The child asks his mother to tell him that time is it.

B) The child asks his mother if what time is it.

C) The child asks his mother about time is it.

D) The child asks his mother that what time is it.

E) The child asks his mother what time it is.

Match the definitions with the words

5) a form of transport that uses trains a) shortcut

6) to organize in advance to have or use smth b) abroad

7) a route that is quicker than the usual one c) rail

8) another country d) backpacking

9) the time of day when there is a lot of traffic e) rush hour

10) travelling and carrying all your clothes and f) reserve

things with you in a bag

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01.04.2020 17:53
Сфера охвата остается глобальной и макроскопической, хотя могут быть региональные различия в зависимости от водных источников, доступных в конкретной обстановке. Структуры как запруды могут быть использованы для того чтобы  запрудить воду для потребления. Существуют различные проблемы, которые крупномасштабные проекты плотин могут представлять для устойчивости: негативные экологические последствия для среды обитания диких животных, миграции рыб, водного потока и качества, а также социально-экономические последствия переселения местных общин. Поэтому для определения экологических, экономических и социальных последствий строительства следует провести оценку воздействия на устойчивость.На подземные воды приходится более 50% мировых запасов пресной воды; таким образом, они имеют решающее значение для питьевой воды (Lozan et al, 2007). Грунтовые воды могут быть устойчивым источником водоснабжения, если общее количество воды, поступающей, уходящей и хранящейся в системе, сохраняется. Существует три основных фактора, которые определяют источник и количество воды, проходящей через систему грунтовых вод: осадки, расположение потоков и других поверхностных водоемов и скорость эвапотранспирации; таким образом, невозможно обобщить устойчивый уровень извлечения или откачки грунтовых вод (USGS, 1999). Нерациональное использование грунтовых вод приводит к снижению уровня воды, снижению потока и снижению качества воды, что ставит под угрозу средства к существованию пострадавших общин. Различные виды практики устойчивого водоснабжения грунтовых вод включают в себя изменение темпов или пространственных моделей перекачки грунтовых вод, увеличение подпитки в систему грунтовых вод, уменьшение сброса из системы грунтовых вод и изменение объема грунтовых вод в хранилищах в различных временных масштабах (USGS, 1999). Долго видение необходимо при извлечении грунтовых вод, так как последствия его развития могут занять годы, прежде чем стать очевидными. Важно интегрировать питания подземных вод в пределах адекватного планирования землепользования и устойчивого городских дренажных систем.
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03.01.2022 10:02

Monkey is funny and very intelligent animal. It has the art of imitation. It has feelings like humans.  There are around 260 monkey species in the world.  It lives up to 15-35 years.

Monkeys are of different size, shape and colours. Monkey has four hands and a long tail. It uses its two hind limbs as its hands to eat, to play and to take care of its kids. The diet of monkey includes nuts, berries and fruits. Its favourite fruit is banana. It lives in jungle and jump from tree to tree. Monkeys are also used by the people for 

A tiger is a great wild animal of tremendous beauty, grace and strength. A tiger is one of the largest cats on the Erath but the number of these charming animals is decreasing due to the human hunt and industrial activitye Circus

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