Когда американцы решили почистить статую свободы в 1986 году, первое, что они должны были сделать, должен был сделать отверстие в носу и убрать кислотный дождь, который скопился внутри. Загрязненный воздух Нью-Йорка смешал с дождем и очень сильно повредил статую. И вы, конечно, знаете, что большая часть загрязнения в больших городах происходит от машин и автобусов. Все чаще и чаще люди говорят не находиться под прямыми солнечными лучами, потому что ультрафиолетовая радиация от солнца может вызвать рак кожи. Обычно озоновый слой в атмосфере защищает нас от такого излучения, но если есть дыры в озоновом слое ультрафиолетовое излучение может добраться до земли. Многие ученые считают, что эти отверстия являются результатом загрязнения воздуха. АЭС может сломаться и привести к радиоактивному загрязнению. Это произошло в Уиндскейл в Великобритании, в три-майл-Айленд в США и Чернобыльской АЭС в Украине. Радиоактивное загрязнение нельзя увидеть, но его последствия могут быть ужасными.Чтобы сделать воздух чистым снова нам нужны хорошие фильтры на атомных электростанциях, на фабриках и заводах, а также в автомобилях и автобусах. И чистый воздух, и чистая вода необходимы для нашего здоровья. Если люди хотят выжить, они должны решить эти проблемы быстро. Человек начинает понимать, что его окружение-это не только его собственный город или страна, но и вся землю. Вот почему люди во всем мире думают и говорят так много об экологии.
B/ Good morning, Harold! Could say some words for our health magazine? What do you do for a living? Is health important for you? A/ yes, of course, health is very important for me, because I want to live to be a hundred. I am a bank manager. B/ it is a good wish! do you keep regular hours? A/ I get up at five o'clock in the morning and lift dumb-bells for thirty minutes. I have a light breakfast. I leave for work at 7 o'clock. I never go by bus, because cars are extremely dangerous. B/ your work is connected with people, how do you protect yourself from potential infection? A/I walk with a mask over my nose and mouth everywhere. I also wear a uniform in my office which designed to protect myself from dust and dirt. At the office I wash my hands ten times a day and wear gloves to pick up the telephone in case it "dirty". B/ hm… it sounds strange! what do you prefer to eat? A/ I take my lunch to work with me. I eat fifteen sunflower seeds and one onion. And on Tuesday I go to a vegetarian cookery class. B/ do you go to a fitness club or to a swimming-pool? A/ On Mondays I go to a fitness club. I rarely go to the cinema or the theatre - there are far too many germs. B/ so how often do you go to the doctor? A/ On the first day of every month I go to the doctor, just to make sure that I am not ill. B/ what can you advise to our readers? A/ I really advise not to watch TV because it might damage your eyesight. And go to bed early, like me. For example, in summer I sleep in a tent in the garden. b/ thank you, Harold! Be healthy!
B/ Good morning, Harold! Could say some words for our health magazine? What do you do for a living? Is health important for you?
A/ yes, of course, health is very important for me, because I want to live to be a hundred. I am a bank manager.
B/ it is a good wish! do you keep regular hours?
A/ I get up at five o'clock in the morning and lift dumb-bells for thirty minutes. I have a light breakfast. I leave for work at 7 o'clock. I never go by bus, because cars are extremely dangerous.
B/ your work is connected with people, how do you protect yourself from potential infection?
A/I walk with a mask over my nose and mouth everywhere. I also wear a uniform in my office which designed to protect myself from dust and dirt. At the office I wash my hands ten times a day and wear gloves to pick up the telephone in case it "dirty".
B/ hm… it sounds strange! what do you prefer to eat?
A/ I take my lunch to work with me. I eat fifteen sunflower seeds and one onion. And on Tuesday I go to a vegetarian cookery class.
B/ do you go to a fitness club or to a swimming-pool?
A/ On Mondays I go to a fitness club. I rarely go to the cinema or the theatre - there are far too many germs.
B/ so how often do you go to the doctor?
A/ On the first day of every month I go to the doctor, just to make sure that I am not ill.
B/ what can you advise to our readers?
A/ I really advise not to watch TV because it might damage your eyesight. And go to bed early, like me. For example, in summer I sleep in a tent in the garden.
b/ thank you, Harold! Be healthy!