но окончания или Na45 ulTaub. 4J MVIR JUL Задание № 1: Use each word from the table only once to complete the sentences below. Remember that in the case on nouns and verbs you may need to change the form of the word dispell creature improvement expansion chase source allow know keep thing The control of fire by primitive people Different dangers surrounded primitive man one of the most terrible was fire Just imagine lightning lit the bushes and grass all around it started to bum All living were afraid of fire How did man get control of fire? Nobody Perhaps one day overcoming their fear the brave ones approached the fire it could have been a tree lit during a thunderstorm or burning lava from a volcano A man made a great discovery by putting a branch into a flame and he got firel People started to use fire for cooking meat A bright fire warmed a cold night. the darkness away wild animals For a long time people could not create fire day and night they fires buming in their living places The control of fire by primitive people was a tuming point in the cultural aspect of human evolution Fire provided a of warmth protection hunting and a method for cooking food These cultural advancements of human geographic dispersal cultural innovations and changes to diet and behavior Additionally creating fire allowed of the of human activity to proceed into the dark and colder hours of the evening on
1. Курение стоит много денег.
2. Я позвоню вам после прибытия в офис.
3. Мария всегда мечтает о том, чтобы уехать в отпуск.
4. Мое любимое занятие – чтение.
5. Мы заинтересованы в покупке этих товаров.
6. Это письмо требует подписания.
7. Чтение английских технических журналов имеет важное значение для инженеров.
8. Установку аппарата они закончили только в воскресенье.
9. Эксперимент начали делать в мае.
10. Говорить на иностранных языках важно для всех.
Жирным подчеркнуто герундий
1. Smoking costs a lot of money.
2. I will call you after arriving at the office.
3. Mary always dreams about going on holiday.
4. My favourite occupation is reading.
5. We are interested in buying these goods.
6. This letter requires signing.
7. Reading English technical magazines is important for engineers.
8. They finished installing the apparatus only on Sunday.
9. They began making the experiment in May.
10. Speaking foreign languages is important for everyone.
Na45 ulTaub. 4J MVIR JUL
Задание № 1:
Use each word from the table only once to complete the sentences below. Remember that in the case on nouns and verbs you may need to change the form of the word
dispell creature improvement expansion chase
source allow
The control of fire by primitive people
Different dangers surrounded primitive man one of the most terrible
was fire Just imagine lightning lit the bushes and grass all around it started to bum All living
were afraid of fire How did man get control of fire? Nobody
Perhaps one day overcoming their fear the brave ones approached the fire it could
have been a tree lit during a thunderstorm or burning lava from a volcano A man made a great discovery by putting a branch into a flame and he got firel People started to use fire for
cooking meat A bright fire warmed a cold night.
the darkness
away wild animals For a long time people could not create fire day and night they
fires buming in their living places
The control of fire by primitive people was a tuming point in the cultural aspect of human evolution Fire provided a
of warmth protection
hunting and a method for cooking food These cultural advancements
of human geographic dispersal cultural innovations and changes to diet and behavior
Additionally creating fire allowed of the
of human activity to proceed into the dark and colder hours of the evening