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16.12.2022 13:41 •  Английский язык

I study at the Vologda State University. It is one of the largest institutions of higher education in this part of Russia. Studying at our University gives a student the solid background they need. After their education they are prepared for work. The VSU was founded in January 1965 as a branch of the North-Western Extramural Polytechnic Institute. Ten years later it was rearranged into an independent institution and in 1999 it became a University. Nowadays it is а large school where more than 15,000 students are currently enrolled. Most of them are full-time students, and the rest are students of distant education and part-time students, like me. There are also graduate stu¬dents, who conduct independent research work. Since its first intake thousands of engineers, economists and civil engineers have graduated from the University.
The University's departments have over 400 academic staff with a wide range of professional and academic experience. It also has extensive capabilities and a flourishing research program. National and international scientific conferences are regularly held at the University.
The Vologda University is located in ten buildings within the city limits of Vologda. It has all the advantages of modern science laboratories and up-to-date equipment, a computer center, and other facilities. There are large lecture halls that can fit three or four classes together at one time for a group lecture.
There's also a large library with three reading halls for the students and faculty members. The library provides them with textbooks, instruction manuals and literature on different subjects. Apart from scientific and specialist's collection it contains a collection of fiction.
The university also includes sports facilities: a sports center with a weight training room, a gym, a multipurpose sports hall and outdoor stadium with tracks and playing fields. The University also possesses a health center in the city and a recreation camp in the countryside. With all these facilities, one can find many different ways to have exercises and rest.
For lunch, during a midday break, students may go to any of several cafes at the university and nearby. My favourite one is located in a nearby building and people say that the food there is tasty and very affordable.
There are also several dormitories where students from out of town live. But some students don’t live in a dormitory – they rent an apartment.
There are seven institutes that belong to this University:
- Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies;
- Institute of Industrial Management, Energy and Transportation;
- Civil Engineering Institute;
- Institute of Economics and Law;
- Institute of Psychology;
- Institute of Linguistics and Culture;
- Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities;

Give the English equivalents of the following words and expressions: высшее образование; заочный политехнический институт на северо-западе; быть преобразованным в самостоятельное учреждение; быть зачисленным; студенты дневного отделения; студенты заочного отделения; оканчивать университет; исследовательская работа; набор в учебное заведение; инженеры-строители; состав преподавателей; широкие возможности; проводить международные научные конференции; размещаться в 10 зданиях; иметь все преимущества; современные научные лаборатории; размещать три-четыре группы на лекцию; обеспечивать учебниками; кроме научной и специальной литературы; тренажерный зал; оздоровительный лагерь за городом; доступный по цене; несколько общежитий; снимать квартиру; принадлежать университету.

Translate and answer the following questions:
1. Когда был основан ВоГУ? 2. ВоГУ самый большой в регионе? 3. В университете существуют широкие возможности для исследований? 4. В скольких зданиях расположен университет?
5. Сколько групп (студентов) могут вместить лекционные аудитории? 6. Какие книги вы можете взять в библиотеке нашего университета? 7. Какие спортивные сооружения есть в университете?
8. Что вы можете сказать о возможностях отдыха в университете? 9. Сколько институтов есть в университете? Приведите примеры. 10. В каком институте вы учитесь? 11. Почему вы выбрали эту специальность?

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05.06.2021 19:27
The alarm clock woke me up at 6.00 on Sunday morning. I __didn't want to get up.
My parents, my _younger__ sister and even my dog were sleeping.
I __thought__ that life was unfair, but went to the bathroom for a cold shower anyway.
When I was cleaning my __teeth___, my mobile phone rang.
“Hi, it’s me,” Henry said cheerfully. “What _are_ you _doing__ at home? I’m at the stadium already, waiting for you.”
In a few minutes I was there too. “Look,” Henry pointed at the ball. A little footballer __was drawn__ there. “The Manchester United captain himself drew it there. It’s a lucky ball now.
If we play with it, we _will win__ the final.”

My parents want me to go to university but I’m not sure that I want to. When I was a small child, there were lots of ___different __ toys in our house, but I preferred the cars.
I dreamed of being a _driver_.
To me, it’s the most ___interesting job in the world.
My parents ___usually___ understand me
and I hope they approve of my decision to put off university and get a job.

It was Sunday so I didn’t have to go to school. I woke up late, got up and ___went__ to the kitchen.
It was strange but I ___couldn't___ find our cat, Tom, anywhere. The whole family got worried.
“He’s gone hunting,” my ___younger___ sister said.
“All cats hunt __mice___. I read about it in a book.”
“I’m sure he __is sleeping__ in the armchair,” Mum said. But the cat wasn’t there either.
“Look! I _have found__ him!” my little sister shouted. “He’s in the washing machine!” We watched in surprise as the cat got out of the washing machine.
“Come on, kitty, come here. We __will give__ you some milk.”

Lisa was walking slowly along the aisles. The University library was the _largest__ library she had ever seen.
The librarians moved quietly as they were wearing special soft shoes on their _feet_.
“Can I help you?” A young librarian __came up__ up to Lisa.
“Yes, thank you. I __have found__ all the books from my reading list,” Lisa said, “but I can’t find any information about architecture.”
“I _will show__ you,” the librarian said.
“By the way, __do_ you _know_ who built our library?”  Lisa didn’t.
“Oh, it _was built__ more that four centuries ago. I can recommend a book about the architect if you are interested.”
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23.11.2021 09:01
1. On my working days  I usually get up at 6 a.m. not to be late for school.
2. When I get up I wash my hands and face? clean my teeth, make my bed and have breakfast.
3. For breakfast I have a small sandwich, fried or scrambled eggs, salad and a cup of tea. 
4. It takes me about half an hour to get to school by bus.
5. I have dinner at home after coming back home from school.
6. For dinner I usually have some soups, some hot meat with vegetables and something to drink.
7. I sometimes go to the school library but more often I find the information  I need on the Net instead of going to the library.
8. My family has supper at 8 p.m. when we all gather together at home.
9. As for sport I go in for playing volleyball.
10. I usually go to bed at 11 p.m.
0,0(0 оценок)
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