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I. translate the sentences into russian, find the gerunds and define their functions:
1. i think of spending my next summer holidays in the crimea [kraɪ’mɪә].
2. we didn’t succeed in getting tickets for the footfall match.
3. on learning that my friend was ill i went to see him at once.
4. there was little hope of winning the contest.
5. ann is always afraid of catching cold.
6. swimming in hot weather is always pleasant.
7. when will you finish reading this book?
8. do you mind my closing the window?
9. before leaving for london i will let you know.
10. this film is not worth seeing. it’s dull.
11. it is no use translating the article again. it has once been translated.
12. the risk of taking part in the contest was great.
13. there are many places of interest worth visiting in the city of london.
14. russian educators are constantly engaged in seeking new and more satisfactory ways of keeping education in tune with times.
15. some parents prefer keeping their children under the supervision and care of their grandmothers.
16. i wonder why he objects to our helping him.
17. smoking costs a lot of money.
18. the house wants repairing.
19. we thank you for sending us your letter.
20. i have three shirts that need washing.
ii. use gerunds instead of infinitives in brackets and translate the sentences into russian:
1. are you fond of (to play) tennis?
2. he began (to play) the piano two years ago.
3. i object to (to discuss) this question at the meeting.
4. we had much difficulty in (to translate) the article.
5. i remember (to tell) them about it.
6. i like the idea of (to organize) a shooting contest.
7. there is no chance of (to get) tickets for this football match.
8. i think of (to take part) in the forthcoming conference.
9. do you mind my (to leave) you for a moment?
10. i don’t mind (to gather) at peter’s place tomorrow.
11. go on (to read).
12. this book is not worth (to read).
13. i was afraid of (to be late) for the meeting.
14. the children are good at (to swim).
15. we enjoy (to skate) in winter.
iii. translate into english using the models below:
model i: i can’t help laughing. я не могу не смеяться.
- не сказать вам об этом;
- не принимать участие в этом состязании;
- не любить их.
model ii: it’s no use going there. бесполезно идти туда.
- искать эту книгу;
- пытаться сделать это еще раз;
- собирать всех студентов сейчас.
мodel iii: we enjoyed hearing that opera. мы получили удовольствие, слушая эту оперу.
- слушая вашу музыку;
- читая эту книгу;
- участвуя в соревновании.
model iv: do you mind going home now? вы не возражаете пойти домой?
- пойти в столовую;
- собраться у него;
- пообедать;
- остаться здесь.
model v: i remember seeing him. помню, что видел его.
- давал ей книгу;
- учил эти слова;
- разговаривал с ним.
iv. use the correct form of the gerund:
a. simple or perfect:
1. one can see at a glance that an art student is given every opportunity of (to gain) good knowledge.
2. m. vasnetsov is famous for (to paint) many pictures the subject matter of which is fairy tales. he achieved much sincerity in (to reproduce) real life.
3. we are thankful to you for (to meet) them at the theatre.
4. she never spoke of (to spend) her early childhood in the country.
5. we are proud of (to enter) the solikamsk state pedagogical institute (the department of the perm state national research university).
6. students should avoid (to miss) classes.
7. he denied ever (to see) those people before.
b. active or passive:
1. i never thought of (to invite) to the party.
2. she was in the habit of (to get up) very early.
3. the boy was afraid of (to punish) for (to misbehave).
4. she is far from (to share) your point of view.
5. the noise prevented us from (to hear) each other.
6. i do not mind (to give) this work, i hope i’ll enjoy (to do) it.
7. he couldn’t help (to smile) at the thought of (to watch) for such a long time.

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15.10.2020 16:47
1. Nina celebrated her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there are many flowers in it. When I came in, somebody was playing the piano, two or three pairs were dancing 2. Listen! Somebody is playing the piano. 3. I like music very much. 4. When I looked out of the window, it was raining heavily and people were hurrying along the streets. 5. What did you do at seven o'clock yesterday? - I was having supper. 6. When I came home yesterday, I saw that all my family was sitting round the table. Father was reading a letter from my uncle who lives in Tver. 7. Where were you yesterday? — I was at home the whole day. — How strange. I rang you up at two o'clock, but nobody answered. — Oh, I was in the garden. I was reading your book and didn't hear the telephone. 8. What were you doing at five o'clock yesterday? — I was working in the library. — I was there, too, but I didnt see you.

1. I go to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. My brother washes his face every morning. 4. Yesterday he washed his face at a quarter past seven. 5. I don't have history lessons every day. 6. We didn't rest yesterday. 7. My brother didn't drink coffee yesterday. 8. My mother always takes a bus to get to work, but yesterday she didnt take a bus. Yesterday she walked to her office. 9. Do You talk to the members of your family every day? - Yes, I But yesterday I didn't talk to them: I was very busy

1. We went to the theatre last week.
2. Yesterday I had dinner with a friend.
3. I have never tasted champagne.
4. When I was a child, I loved ice
5. I haven't had any coffee today – I feel very sleepy!
6.I didn't drink any coffee yesterday.
7. I have read all his books – I think he’s a wonderful writer.
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22.07.2020 10:00
Weather is something we can talk about every day. In the place where I live it’s very changeable, so people always inquire what it is going to be like tomorrow. My city is situated in southern part of Russia and we have four seasons here: winter, spring, summer and autumn. My favourite one is summer because it’s hot then and I can swim in a nearby river. When the weather is fine I can also ride my bike. However, it’s not always hot here even in summer. As I’ve mentioned before, the weather is rather changeable here. It can bring sunshine and heat one day, rain and cold the next day. Autumn brings heavy rains and winds to our region. Honestly, I don’t like autumn. Starting from late October almost every day it’s muddy and gloomy outside. Winters are mild here. The first snow falls at the beginning of December. It quickly melts though. There are some really cold days in January and February. I like the days when the sun is shining but it’s frosty outside. My friends and I go sledding or snowballing on such days. Spring starts with sunshine and warm winds. When the snow melts away you can see the primroses make their way out of the ground. April and May are quite warm months. Birds start singing, trees start blooming, and there are lots of tulips and daffodils around. I hear my neighbors often discuss the weather. They usually say “A nice day, isn’t it?” or “It looks like rain”. They also ask each other about weather forecast. I think that weather is the most popular topic for conversation. I’ve heard that English people also like discussing the topic of weather.

Погода – это то, о чем мы можем говорить ежедневно. Там, где я живу, она очень изменчива, поэтому люди всегда интересуются, какой она буде завтра. Мой город расположен в южной части России и у нас здесь есть четыре времени года: зима, весна, лето и осень. Моё любимое время – это лето, потому что тогда жарко и я могу плавать в близлежащей речке. При хорошей погоде я могу также кататься на велосипеде. Однако здесь не всегда жарко, даже летом. Как я уже упоминал ранее, погода здесь довольно изменчива. Один день солнечно и жарко, а на следующий день – дождливо и холодно. Осень приносит проливные дожди и ветры в наш регион. Честно говоря, я не люблю осень. Начиная с конца октября почти каждый день на улице грязно и серо. Зима здесь умеренная. Первый снег выпадает в начале декабря. Однако он быстро тает. В январе и феврале есть несколько действительно холодных дней. Мне нравятся те дни, когда на улице светит солнце, но морозно. В такие дни мы с друзьями идем кататься на санках или играть. Весна приходит с солнцем и теплым ветром. Когда снег тает, можно увидеть, как первоцветы пробиваются из-под земли. Апрель и май – довольно теплые месяцы. Птицы начинают петь, деревья начинают цвести, и вокруг много тюльпанов и нарциссов. Я слышу, как мои соседи часто обсуждают погоду. Они обычно говорят "Хороший день, не правда ли?" или "Похоже, дождь собирается". Они также спрашивают друг друга о прогнозе погоды. Я думаю, что погода является самой популярной темой для разговора. Я слышал, что англичане также любят обсуждать тему погоды.
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