И3- when i out of the shower the lights
a. got / were getting off
b. had got / were getting off
c. was getting / went off
d. had been getting / had got off
much in all those years.
4-when i saw clara, i realized that she
a. didn't change
b. wasn't changing
c. hadn't changed
el. hadn't been changing
The animal habits in forests and eats not only bamboo, but also grasses, bulbs, some insects and fruits. Cubs are born with their eyes closed like kittens and hairless like rats. Pandas are very careful and attentive to their cubs - mother usually cradling its baby in one paw and holding it close to the chest. It looks very lovely and sweet. Traditionally the panda is supposed to be a peaceful, kind and not aggressive animal, but it also can bleat, roar, growl, and honk in case of emergency when it is scared or angry.
Австралия – шестая в мире страна по размеру территории, и это единственное государство, занимающее целый континент. Австралийский союз включает в себя Австралийский материк и несколько островов, крупнейшим из которых является Тасмания. На территории материка разнообразная природа соседствует с современными густонаселенными мегаполисами