The most precious thing I have is an easel. It is old. I was given it about 7 or 8 years ago. I was very glad because it was a present for no reason. I could improve my drawing skills. My easel at the art school was number 45. My dad called my home easel Valera due to its unusual shape. It was difficult to fold my easel and it took time to put it together. It has a very unusual colour. It is completely black because it's easier to distinguish tones of colours on a black background. I did not know how to wash it, because I was afraid of spoiling the paint. That's why we just laquered it. My easel is very lagre and takes a good deal of room. I often leave it in the middle of the room in order to let paint dry on the picture. Sometimes I can hear my dad swearing in he dark when he trip over the easel. I like painting using the easel, because it's more convenient than painting at the desk, You aren't stained by the paind and you don't have a back problem. You can spend more time painting. My cat likes Valera too. It's so pleasant to sleep in its shadow.
One day I met a tight-lipped person who adored silence and lonliness. His only desire was to sit in front of the fire listening to music. To my surprise he was married to a young jealous woman. She exaggerated her importance because of high grade. Nobody wanted to deal with a strange couple and eventually they moved to a deserted place where was a camp of unsociable people. Do you believe me? I hope you don't, because all I have told you is exactly untruth. Однажды мне повстречался скрытный человек, который обожал тишину и одиночество. Его единственное желание было сидеть перед камином, слушая музыку. К моему удивлению, он был женат на молодой ревнивой женщине. Она преувеличивала свою важность, так как имела высокую ученую степень. Никто не хотел общаться со странной парочкой и в конце концов они переехали в безлюдную местность, где стоял лагерь отшельников. Вы поверили мне? Напрасно, потому что все, что я рассказала вам - совершенная ложь.
Это первое, что пришло мне в голову, когда я увидела эти 10 слов. Надеюсь хоть чем-то
It has a very unusual colour. It is completely black because it's easier to distinguish tones of colours on a black background. I did not know how to wash it, because I was afraid of spoiling the paint. That's why we just laquered it. My easel is very lagre and takes a good deal of room. I often leave it in the middle of the room in order to let paint dry on the picture. Sometimes I can hear my dad swearing in he dark when he trip over the easel. I like painting using the easel, because it's more convenient than painting at the desk, You aren't stained by the paind and you don't have a back problem. You can spend more time painting. My cat likes Valera too. It's so pleasant to sleep in its shadow.
Do you believe me? I hope you don't, because all I have told you is exactly untruth.
Однажды мне повстречался скрытный человек, который обожал тишину и одиночество. Его единственное желание было сидеть перед камином, слушая музыку. К моему удивлению, он был женат на молодой ревнивой женщине. Она преувеличивала свою важность, так как имела высокую ученую степень. Никто не хотел общаться со странной парочкой и в конце концов они переехали в безлюдную местность, где стоял лагерь отшельников.
Вы поверили мне? Напрасно, потому что все, что я рассказала вам - совершенная ложь.
Это первое, что пришло мне в голову, когда я увидела эти 10 слов. Надеюсь хоть чем-то