Я не понимаю учителя: 1. I don't understand the teacher. 2. I didn't understand the teacher. 3. I will not understand the teacher. 4. I am not understanding the teacher. 5. I was not understanding the teacher. 6. I have not understood the teacher. 7. I had not understood the teacher. 8. I have not been understanding the teacher. Ты не смотришь хоккей: 1. You don't watch hockey. 2. You didn't watch hockey. 3. You will not watch hockey. 4. You are not watching hockey. 5. You was not watching hockey. 6. You have not watched hockey. 7. You had not watched hockey. 8. You have not been watching hockey.
Present Simple мы используем тогда, когда действия происходят в настоящем времени и являются регулярными или же привычкой.Present perfect используем, когда говорим о действиях, которые произошли в но в настоящем у нас есть результат. Present Simple Continuous мы используем, когда говорим о действиях, которые происходят в данный момент. Past perfect используем, когда говорим о действиях, которые произошли в и перед действиями, которые произошли в Просто делаем шаг назад от времени Past simple. Past Simple мы используем, когда говорим о действиях, которые произошли в
1. I don't understand the teacher.
2. I didn't understand the teacher.
3. I will not understand the teacher.
4. I am not understanding the teacher.
5. I was not understanding the teacher.
6. I have not understood the teacher.
7. I had not understood the teacher.
8. I have not been understanding the teacher.
Ты не смотришь хоккей:
1. You don't watch hockey.
2. You didn't watch hockey.
3. You will not watch hockey.
4. You are not watching hockey.
5. You was not watching hockey.
6. You have not watched hockey.
7. You had not watched hockey.
8. You have not been watching hockey.