Iformanadective from
some spe ng changes.
from each word using either-ful or-ic. you may need to make
changes. use a dictionary to check any words you don't know.
all sorts of people
siven in capitals to form a word that fits in the cap in the same line
1 Who was painting in England represented by in the 17th — 19th centuries? - Кем была представлена живопись в Англии XVII–XIX вв?
2 The Flemish painter Van Dyck was the father of English Portrait School, wasn't he? - Фламандский художник Ван Дейк был отцом английской портретной школы, не так ли?
3 Who invited Van Dyck to London? - Кто пригласил Ван Дейка в Лондон?
4 Were Reynolds, Gainsborough and Lawrence influenced by Van Dyck's or Hogarth's work? - На Рейнольдса, Гейнсборо и Лоуренса повлияли работы Ван Дейка или Хогарта?
5 When was the English national school of painting created? - Когда была создана английская национальная школа живописи?
6 Whose pictures of social life brought him fame and position? - Чьи картины о жизни общества принесли ему славу и положение?