II. Writing Task. Choose ONE of the topics below. Follow the tips for writing.
Answer all the questions.
Spell topical vocabulary accurately.
Use prepositions of time, location and direction.
Topic 1. Our countryside
Think about your home place (home town or village) and write some information about it
Where do you live? Write about its location.
Do you like this town/village? Why?
What is your favourite place in this town/village? Where is it located?
What can you do in your home town/ village? Write about some winter or summer activities
and sports.
1.most often, my friends and I use our mobile phones. These gadgets are very convenient and can accommodate all useful applications and functions. On the computer that is on my work desk, I can play computer games or study. Also useful in my home TV on which I can watch the latest news, entertainment TV shows or movies.
2.The main drawbacks of some phones are a small screen or an old operating system that does not support modern applications. Fortunately, this problem was solved over time. Also, the main problem of phones is not only very addictive applications that literally drag into themselves. The problem of stationary computers is not their mobility, but with the advent of laptops, this problem has been solved. If you choose between a computer and a laptop, you need to choose between their capabilities and it is inappropriate to compare them.
3.It is possible to hang from a mobile phone and this problem exists today. Most of the world's population suffers from it. Often those who do not suffer from this problem have an old phone or laptop. You can only depend on interesting programs that you like because you always want to move away from programs for robots as soon as possible.
Ви їсте більше чіпсів чи овочів?
2. Чи більше ви їсте морозива чи сиру?
3. Чи вживаєте ви більше газованих напоїв чи соків?
4. Ви їсте більше солодощів або бутербродів?
5. Ви їсте більше чіпсів чи горіхів?
6. Чи більше ви їсте м’яса чи риби?
7. Ви їсте більше гамбургерів або рису?
4. Дайте відповіді на запитання про вас. Напишіть ПІВНІ відповіді у своїй книзі.
1. Що ви їсте на обід у школі?
2. Який обід на фотографіях вам подобається? Чому?
3. Яку здорову / нездорову їжу ви їсте?
4. Які фрукти та овочі ти любиш?
5. Яка ваша улюблена їжа?
6 класс терміново