III. Answer the questions on the text: 1 What had happened when Miliena was a baby?
2. What do the following words mean: "She was very practical"?
3. What had happened when Miliena was 18?
4. What was in the message?
5. Why did the king gather his councilors?
6. Why did Miliena come to the meeting?
1.1)my name is
3) I am from
5)I am from
3. seventeen, thirty, fifty-one, twelve, sixteen, ninety-nine, eight, fifteen, eleven, what, fifty-four, sixty-seven, zero point five.
4.Your brother has got blue eyes
My brother is very tall
We have got blue eyes and fair hair
We both wear glasses
I have got big mouth and long hair
5.has got very long hair.
are your eyes?
am very tall
2 B.
1.1. спортивная площадка
2. бассейн
2.21; 100; 32; 125;98; 1000;87; 54; 76; 65. Twenty-one,one hundred, thirty-two,one hundred twenty-five,ninety-eight,one thousand,eighty-seven,fifty-four,seventy-six,sixty-five.
3.bulbs; files; vices; boxes; cars; houses; benchers; roofs; tyres; batteries; men; knives.
2 at,in
2.laptops, colleges, students, workshops, tools, men, bushes, hobbies, women, leaves, boxes, classrooms, children, buses, chiefs, roofs, walls, potatoy, wolves, deers, photos, lessons, subjects, crisises, curriculums
3. are , there, three cushions, the sofa, on.
2. opposite the door, a round table, there is.
3. on, a lot of, there are, pictures, the walls.
4. no, the bedroom, there are, bedside tables, in.
There are three cushions on sofa
There is a round table opposite the door
There are a lot of pictures on the walls
There are no bedside tables in the bedroom
1.Знайте, что хорошее здоровье лучше богатства.
2. Я принимаю душ, одеваюсь и причесываюсь. Это займет у меня 40 минут.
3. Наши занятия начинаются в половине девятого.
4. У нас большой перерыв в середине дня, который длится 45 минут.
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Я встаю в семь часов утра. Я иду в ванную, а затем завтракаю. Я иду в школу в 8 часов. У нас проходит 5 или 6 уроков, и потом мы обедаем. Я прихожу домой в 2 часа. Я встречаюсь с друзьями и играю. Затем, в 7 часов, настает время ужинать. Вечером я смотрю телевизор или читаю книгу. В 10 часов я принимаю душ и ложусь спать.