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berny, a young man about 23 years old, with fair hair and moustache, and blue eyes went home through the rain. he felt very depressed. it had been a very bad summer for most people and he had not been better than the rest. a few weeks with one firm, a few days with another, then out of a job, then on again for a month perhaps, and so on.
his clothes, though shabby, were clean and neat but the holes in his shoes made it painful to walk. he got married year ago though his wages didn't average a pound a week. as a single man he had never worried much if he happened to be out of work. he always had enough to live on and pocket money besides, but now that he was married it was different the fear of being 'out' haunied him all the time.
berny had started for rushton and co. on the previous monday after having been idle for three weeks, but he now began to fear that what had happened to jim linden — a master craftsman — might also happen to himself at any time. he would have to be very careful not to offend willy smith in any way. he was afraid that willy did not like him very much and could dismiss him at any time.
willy smith, the foreman, was quite without special abilities. but he pretended to know everything about matching 'tones' and 'shades' and 'colours' and that had so impressed mr derek that he put willy in charge of the construction work.
although willy did as little as possible himself, he took care to make the others work hard. any man who failed to satisfy him was reported to mr derek as being 'no good' or 'too slow for a funeral' and was then dismissed at the end of the week. knowing this, all the workers feared and hated the cunning willy. some, by giving him pipefuls of tobacco and pints of beer, managed to win willy's favour and often kept their jobs when better men were dismissed.
as he walked home through the rain thinking of these things, berny realised that it was not possible to foresee what day or even an hour might bring.
1. berny felt depressed because
1. it had been a bad summer for some people
2. he had recently got married, despite his low wages
3. he was afraid of losing his lob
4. his shoes were worn out and his feet were hurting

3. willy got his position because mr derek thought he was good at
1. using language
2. repairing and decorating houses
3. making friends with other people
4. buying and selling

2. berny's fear of being "out" means:
1. not having much money
2. having nowhere to live
3. being unemployed
4. quarrelling with his wife
4. to keep his job, anyone working under willy had to
1. give good presents to his family
2. deceive him
3. work hard
4. make room for his friends

5. willy was
1. a skilful worker but lazy
2. not very skilful but also lazy
3. not very skilful but hard working
4. a skilful man and a hard worker

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20.06.2020 22:17
Christmas Traditions in Great Britain, Wales and Northern Ireland often vary from those in Scotland whose strong Protestant religious roots led to greater celebrations in the New YearXmas Trees and other traditional decorations and ornaments decorate British homes. These usually start to go up on December 1st. They are all taken down by Twelfth Night, 6th January, as it is deemed to be bad luck to show decorations after this datePopular festive plants include holly, ivy, mistletoe, the Christmas amaryllis and poinsettias.The season starts in Great Britain with elaborate lighting being switched on in famous shopping areas such as Oxford Street in LondonIn the last few years many British homes have also adopted the American custom of decorating the outside of their houses with various decorations and lightsSanta Claus is commonly known as Father Christmas in Great Britain and delivers the presents and fills the stockings on Christmas EveChristmas Day is a Bank holiday when very few people work and when people all get together for a great celebratory meal and open giftsMany British people go to church in the morning and after the main meal families relax by playing games or simply watching the TV26th December which is known as Boxing Day in Great Britain and is traditionally a day for many sporting events especially British football (soccer) matches and horse racing events
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23.06.2022 13:16
Naming "Kazakhstan" used as the official name of the country from December 10, 1991, when the name of the state, "the Kazakh Soviet socialist Republic" was changed to "Republic of Kazakhstan".[15]The periodization of history the territory of modern Kazakhstan:The prehistoric era covers the time from the appearance of man on the territory of Kazakhstan until the beginning of the emergence of a state on the territory of Kazakhstan (VII—VIII centuries BC).Ancient period — the emergence of the first Turkic and Iranian States on the territory of Kazakhstan (Saki, Uyuni, kanly, Huns), their prosperity, crisis and the fall (from the VIII century BC to V ad).Medieval history of Kazakhstan (V century BC until the 30-ies of the XVIII century). Conventionally, scholars have identified early and late middle ages. The era of the Turkic Imperial heyday of the Turkic Khanate, the Golden Horde and the power of Genghis Khan, the Qarakhanid Empire and Tamerlane. The formation of the Kazakh khanate. The flourishing period of the enlightenment scientists, astronomers, mathematicians, poets of the Turkic empires such as Ulugh beg, al-Kashi, Saifi-sheds, Kutub, Farabi, balasaguni and other.New story: from the seventeenth century until the end of February 1917 — the entry into Russia, the Siberian Khanate (the end of XVI century), the Nogai Horde (XVII century), the Kazakh khanate (XIX century).The first stage of the recent history: since the fall of the monarchy in the Russian Empire, the October revolution to the collapse of the Soviet Union (December 1991).The second stage of modern history: from the day of Declaration of independence 16 of December 1991 to the present and is characterized by the formation and development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign, democratic, legal state.
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