Imagine you were one of the natives. Write sentences describing the Pilgrims' arrival and setting in, and your feelings about them.
Представьте, что вы один из коренных жителей Америки. Составьте предложения, описывающие прибытие пилигримов и их обустройство на континенте, и ваши чувства по поводу них.
От семи предложений, в Past Simple (можно и на русском, мне главное сам текст УМОЛЯЮ
But some people think differently. Some of my classmates complain that they aren't allowed go for a walk late in the evening. Moreover, they don't like that their parents prohibit them to do any piercing! I think they feel too grown up.
There are many points of view, but I keep mine. I think teenagers have enough freedom nowadays.