Imagine your school has invited some students from another country. In pairs, discuss the best trips and excursions in your area. Compare your ideas with the class. They could go on an excursion to the waterpark.
They could visit the capital city, but it's a long journey.
переклад:Уявіть, що ваша школа запросила учнів з іншої країни. У парах обговоріть найкращі подорожі та екскурсії у вашому районі. Порівняйте свої ідеї з класом.
Вони могли поїхати на екскурсію в аквапарк.
Вони могли б відвідати столицю, але це довга подорож.
an automatic device designed to sense heat, receiving commands from it (manual control), and act autonomously, in accordance with the program (automatic control).
Appointments of robots can be very diverse, from entertainment and applied to purely production. The appearance of robots is diverse in form and content, it can be anything, although often the anatomy elements of various living creatures that are suitable for the task are borrowed in the structures of the nodes.
In information technology, some autonomous operating programs, such as bots or search robots, are also called “robots”.