In 1577, five ships left Plymouth with Francis Drake and 160 other men on board to sail around the world. Three years later, only one ship, the Golden Hind, returned to England. After crossing the Atlantic, Drake left two ships on the east coast of South America. With the three remaining ships, he then found a new route around the bottom of the continent, but when they reached the Pacific, violent storms destroyed one of the ships and caused another to turn back to England.
Next, the Golden Hind sailed north along the coast of South America, attacking Spanish ports. This was because, at that time, the Spanish controlled all the gold from ‘The New World’ and Drake wanted it. Drake also captured Spanish ships and stole their maps and treasure. The Spanish called him ‘The Master Thief of the Unknown World’.
Finally, Drake sailed to North America and then crossed the Pacific to the Moluccas Islands in the southwest. Eventually, he sailed round the southern tip of Africa and arrived in England in September, 1580.
When Drake returned, he was knighted by Elizabeth I. He was the first Englishman to sail around the world. He had made many discoveries and had brought back an amazing fortune in treasure.
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If I had a chose, I would most likely live in a big modern city. It's populated streets and moderness gives it charm. It feels great to live in a huge city, you never feel alone! And there is always so much to do, so many things to see, you just can't get bored. Of course though there are down sides to living in the city. Some of them are that there is much more pollution, especially compared to the country side. During the summer in big cities it can get overwhelmingly hot, and in result many citizens can get heat stroke. There is also the increase in diseases, such as lung disease, which is due to the fact that there are a lot of smokers in the city. The city can also be stressful.
But nonetheless, I still would enjoy living in one! :
Амелия Беделия шла в другой блок или около того. Она увидела объявление на окне. Оно гласило: Требуется Клерк(регистратор).
"Теперь мне интересно кто такой регистратор (Клерк)"-она сказала.
"Я просто пойду и узнаю". Человек(мужчина) встретил ее:
"Вы регистратор(клерк)?-он спросил
"Я буду"-сказала Амелия Беделия.
"если вы скажите мне что делать"
"Хорошо"-сказал человек(мужчина)
"Сначала, возьмите эти письма. Нужно поставить печати(марки) Затем подайте эти бумаги".
"Я сделаю это", сказала Эмилия Беделия. Человек вошел в свой офис. Эмилия Беделия смотрела на письма.
"Теперь я должна поставить печать( марки) на все сразу или по одному? " она думала.
"Лучше я сделаю их по одному". Так Амелия Беделия брала каждое письмо. Она складывала их на пол. и Амелия Беделия ставила печать на них.
"Здесь" она сказала
"Должно быть достаточно печатей(Это должно быть достаточным количеством печатей). Сейчас я лучше подам эти документы"-Амелия Беделия смотрела на бумаги. Затем она посмотрела в свой кошелек. Она нашла там файл ногтя.
С последним не уверенна!