In the 1950s young women and teenage girls wore skirts with petticoats and cardigans . Tight trousers or jeans with oversize jumpers were in fashion for both teenage girls and boys. In the period from 1960 to 1967 the miniskirt and tights appeared. Young woman and teenage girls looked like children in baby-doll dresses and pinafores which they used to wear with high boots. Black polo-neck sweaters became popular thanks to the Beatles. Jeans were popular and denim was also used for shirts jackets and hats . Fashion was also becoming universal for girls and boys. In the period from the late 1960s to the 1970s individuality was above all.The ethnic style came into fashion together with hippies.Clothes were often customized with imbroidery. In 1969 the maxi was introduced. As to footwear young men and woman wore platform shoes. in the early 1970s 'flares' and 'bags' came into fashion. From 1975 narrow and straight trousers bcame trendy again. To be up to date with the fashion woman wore trouser suits. During the mid-1970s the punk style appeared but soon in the late 1970s sportswear came into fashion. In the 1980s shoulder - padded shirts and jackets became trendy. Tracksuits leggings and training shoes become fashionable uniform that men and women of all ages wore.
Clothes/Pieces of clothing (Одежда / предмет одежды)
Skirts with petticoats (юбки с подъюбниками), tight trousers (брюки в обтяжку), jeans (джинсы), oversize jumpers (свитера большого размера).
Miniskirts (мини-юбки), tights (колготки), baby-doll dresses (платья в стиле бэби-долл), pinafores (сарафаны), black polo-neck sweaters (черные водолазки).
Flares (расклешенные брюки), bags (брюки широкие по все длине), narrow trousers (узкие брюки), trouser suits (брючные костюмы).
Shoulder-padded shirts and jackets (широкоплечие рубашки и куртки), tracksuits (спортивные костюмы).
Different style cloths.(Различные стили в одежде)
Club wear (клубная одежда), street wear (уличная одежда), and sportswear (спортивная одежда).
Footwear (Обувь)
high boots (высокие сапоги)
Леггинсы (лосины)
Training shoes (спортивная обувь), leggings (леггинсы)
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People of our city want to protect the environment. Whith this aim in the city have been created bike lanes and green areas of parks and squares. Every spring people plant young trees. We often clean the reservoirs of the city. Schoolchildren in our city help clean up garbage and collect environmentally hazardous waste such as batteries, light bulbs, and so on. Every autumn we clean territories in front of houses and burn grass. Containers for recycling different types of waste are installed along the streets of the city. And of course, in schools and in other institutions of the city there is propaganda about the protection of nature and the environment.
Hello, my friend
I would like to tell you about my favourite kinds of sports. I have played different sports since I was a little child. In elementary school I played football, and in middle school I played basketball. I also like tennis and sometimes I play it with my friends from school. I played hockey last winter and I was pretty good at it. I think sport is a very important part of our life which helps us to stay healthy and makes our body strong.
Tell me about your attitude to sport. I would love to hear about it.
Your, (ваше имя)