1. No smoking. You mustn't some here. 2. No parking on the square. You may not park on the square. 3. Visitors welcome 24 hours a day. You may visit this place 24 hours a day. 4. No alcoholic drinks under 18. You cannot have alcoholic drinks if you are under 18. 5. Don't use the office phones for private calls. You shouldn't use the office phones for private calls. 6. Private. Keep out. You mustn't tresspass this private territory. 7. Club members use courts free on Saturday and Sunday. You needn't pay on Saturday and Sunday if you are a club member. 8. Walk your dogs here. You may walk your dogs here. 9. Phone us. We'll help. You can phone us for help. 10. For sale. Come and have a look. You can come and have a look at the property which is on sale now. 11. Room for smokers. You can smoke in this room. 12. Leave your car here. You should leave your car here. 13. Don't swim here. You mustn't swim here. 14. Keep silence. You may not talk in here. 15. Don't take photographs. You mustn't take photographs here.
Немногие острова Соединенных Штатов столь же печально известны, как Алькатрас — маленькая скала в середине залива Сан-Франциско, с расположенным на ней аванпостом. Испанский исследователь Калифорнии лейтенант Хуан Мануэль де Аяла впервые обнаружил остров в 1775-м году и дал ему имя Исла де Лос Алькатрасес (Остров Пеликанов) из-за огромного количества морских птиц, гнездившихся на острове. Крепкая скала стояла нетронутой до 1853-го года, когда армия Соединённых Штатов построила здесь крепость для обороны залива Сан-Франциско, иногда использовавшуюся также в качестве тюрьмы. Затем, в 1934-м году, армия передала её в ведомость Федерального Бюро Тюрем, которое превратило крепость в одно из самых знаменитых исправительных учреждений в истории страны: на Алькатрасе побывало множество жестоких убийц и знаменитых преступников, включая Аль Капоне и Микки Коэна, а в 1963-м году тюрьма на острове перестала существовать. Few Islands of the United States is as infamous as Alcatraz — a small rock in the middle of San Francisco Bay, located in the Outpost. California Spanish Explorer Lieutenant Juan Manuel de Ayala first discovered the island in 1775, the year and gave it the name Isla de Los Alcatraces (Island of Pelicans) because of the huge number of sea birds nesting on the island. Strong rock was untouched until 1853, the year when the United States army built a Fort for the defense of San Francisco Bay, sometimes used also as a prison. Then, in 1934 year, the army gave it as a statement of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, which converted the fortress into one of the most famous prisons in the history of the country: Alcatraz has been many cruel murderers and famous criminals, including al Capone and Mickey Cohen, in 1963, the year the prison on the island ceased to exist.
You mustn't some here.
2. No parking on the square.
You may not park on the square.
3. Visitors welcome 24 hours a day.
You may visit this place 24 hours a day.
4. No alcoholic drinks under 18.
You cannot have alcoholic drinks if you are under 18.
5. Don't use the office phones for private calls.
You shouldn't use the office phones for private calls.
6. Private. Keep out.
You mustn't tresspass this private territory.
7. Club members use courts free on Saturday and Sunday.
You needn't pay on Saturday and Sunday if you are a club member.
8. Walk your dogs here.
You may walk your dogs here.
9. Phone us. We'll help.
You can phone us for help.
10. For sale. Come and have a look.
You can come and have a look at the property which is on sale now.
11. Room for smokers.
You can smoke in this room.
12. Leave your car here.
You should leave your car here.
13. Don't swim here.
You mustn't swim here.
14. Keep silence.
You may not talk in here.
15. Don't take photographs.
You mustn't take photographs here.
Few Islands of the United States is as infamous as Alcatraz — a small rock in the middle of San Francisco Bay, located in the Outpost. California Spanish Explorer Lieutenant Juan Manuel de Ayala first discovered the island in 1775, the year and gave it the name Isla de Los Alcatraces (Island of Pelicans) because of the huge number of sea birds nesting on the island. Strong rock was untouched until 1853, the year when the United States army built a Fort for the defense of San Francisco Bay, sometimes used also as a prison. Then, in 1934 year, the army gave it as a statement of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, which converted the fortress into one of the most famous prisons in the history of the country: Alcatraz has been many cruel murderers and famous criminals, including al Capone and Mickey Cohen, in 1963, the year the prison on the island ceased to exist.