Insert prepositions of, in, with, from, by, to where necessary.
Participation (1)the Foreign Capital (2) the Ukrainian Banking System (3) 2007, a number (4) active banks (5) the foreign capital increased (6) 35 (7)47 banks (26.7% (8) the total number (9) active banks (10) Ukraine), (11) which a number (12) banks (13)100% foreign capital increased (14)13 (15) 17 banks (9.7 % (16) the total number (17) active banks).
As (18) 1 January 2008, the amount (19) foreign capital was equal (20)15.1 bln.UAH. Within a year, share (21) the foreign capital (22) the total registered capital (23)Ukrainian active banks increased (24) 27.6% (25) 35.0%.
Foreign capital (26) Ukraine is represented (27) 23 countries. The highest share (28) the total amount (29) the foreign capital belongs (30)___ Cyprus (20.3%), Austria (20.3%), France (12.5%), Russia (9.7%), the Netherlands (8.2 %), Poland (7.9 %), Sweden (6.1 %).
Sydney is famous for its the opera house. Its притяжательное.
Oliver has got two sisters. His older sister is married. His притяжательное
Paul and Mike have known each other for 10 years. Each other взаимное местоимение.
We haven't got any bread. Can you buy it? Any неопределенное. It личное
Please don't tell nobody about letter. It's a secret. Nobody неопределенное
How much water do you drink every day? Much количественное.
This is expensive in this shop. This указательное
1)His father was in trade. - Его отец был торговцем.
2)I will carry the secret to my grave. - Я унесу эту тайну в могилу.
3)The rock was dynamited - Скала была взорвана.
4)Their devotion to their sovereign is staunch. - Их преданность своему господину непоколебима.
5)The dog buried her bone. - Собака закопала свою кость.
6)The decision is still hanging. - Решение всё ещё не принято.
7)He hoped that his enterprise would have a prosperous issue. - Он надеялся, что исход этого предприятия будет благополучным.
8)There was a picturesque outlook on all sides. - Со всех сторон открывался живописный вид.
9)We live on a modest budget. - Мы живём на скромный бюджет.
10)You look smart. - Вы выглядите очень элегантно
11)Your hour has struck. - Твой час пробил.
12)I could hear the rain striking the rooftop. - Я слышал дождь, стучавший по крыше
13)The cage should be lined with straw. - Клетка должна быть выстелена соломой.