Insert the article where necessary. 1. He usually has a glass of —water with his dinner. 2. There are places where —water is as precious as gold. 3. — water in the lake is so clear that you can see every single stone. 4. After a hard day's work I like — hot milk. 5. Come quickly, — milk is getting cold. 6. Don't sit on — sand, it's damp after the rain. 7. My shoes are full of — sand. 8. There are people who will eat — ice-cream in the street even in winter. 9. Why is — coal better for heating than wood? 10. ___ coal of Newcastle is rich in carbon. 11. Put the bottle into the ice-box to cool — wine for dinner.
Я хочу рассказать о замечательном празднике Масленица. Его отмечают в последнее воскресенье марта, когда зима сдает свои права, и приходит весна. В этот день в России большие народные гулянья с катанием на лошадях, доставанием живого петуха со столба, шутками, песнями и плясками. На улицах городов и сел ходят ряженые, всем предлагают всем горячий чай и русские блины с разными начинками: медом, вареньем, маслом, икрой! Но самое главное, на площади сжигают чучело зимы и радуются наступлению красавицы-весны.
Shrovetide is a very cheerful holiday. For a long time people celebrate it with festivities. The holiday is dedicated to the departure of winter and the coming of spring. This holiday lasts a whole week. But the most solemn day is Sunday. On Sunday, people communicate, congratulate each other on holidays, eat (eat) pancakes, and most importantly burn the effigy "Shrovetide". It is believed that when a scarecrow is burned, then along with it all troubles and failures are burned. After the celebration of Maslenitsa, the post begins ...