Instructions space suit breathing emergency capsule countdown oxygen fuel machine seat
space suit
Let's suppose that you've done all the training and put on your
1.. You take the lift up to the top of your rocket. If this was a
building, your 2. would be on about the thirtieth floor. Get into the
capsule and strap yourself into the 3.. Now you have to spend a few
hours waiting while the 4. continues. The highly explosive
5. and liquid 6. are pumped into the rocket. This is
an extremely complicated 7., during the countdown a serious of
minor problems will be found, checked and discussed. You read the
8.for what to do in an9.. Inside your helmet
you can hear your 10. get faster.
1. space suit
2. capsule
3. seat
4. countdown
5. fuel
6. oxygen
7. emergency
8. instructions
9. machine
10. breathing