Interlanguage synonyms... Выберите один или несколько правильных ответов -have similar forms -have one common meaning -are phrases of the same language -have different meanings but one -are words of different languages
I'd like to describe picture number three. in the picture we can see a girl playing the piano. The girl is in her teens. she's got long straight dark hair. she's wearing a blue blouse and light blue jeans.
she's sitting on the chair in front of the piano. she's in Music classroom, I suppose. there is a green plant on the piano. there is a bookcase with lots of books next to the girl. The girl is looking at her hands and the piano-keys. She is trying to do her best. I like this picture because it reminds me about my music classes. In my childhood I learnt to play the guitar.
I'd like to describe picture number three. in the picture we can see a girl playing the piano. The girl is in her teens. she's got long straight dark hair. she's wearing a blue blouse and light blue jeans.
she's sitting on the chair in front of the piano. she's in Music classroom, I suppose. there is a green plant on the piano. there is a bookcase with lots of books next to the girl. The girl is looking at her hands and the piano-keys. She is trying to do her best. I like this picture because it reminds me about my music classes. In my childhood I learnt to play the guitar.
ответ:Овсянка с жареным луком и салом
лук репчатый 1 шт.
растительное масло 3 ст. л.
сало 50 г
овсяные хлопья быстрого приготовления 3 ст. л.
соль по вкусу
вода 100 мл
1-Лук почистите, произвольно нарежьте.
2-Обжарьте с добавлением масла до золотистого цвета.
3-Сало нарежьте кубиками помельче.
4-Добавьте к луку.
5-Обжаривайте все вместе минут 5–7.
6-Добавьте овсяные хлопья.
7-Все перемешайте и обжаривайте 2–3 минуты.
8-Влейте воду, доведите до кипения. Перемешайте и тушите около 2 минут.
9-В самом конце блюдо посолите и снимите с огня.
10-Сразу подавайте к столу.