Используя выражения с возвратными местоимениями, составите диалог (10-15 предложений) 1. help yourself. 2. enjoy yourselves. 3. dress yourself. 4. i have cut myself. 5. don’t blame yourself. 6. she likes to talk to herself. 7. kids, behave yourselves! 8. make yourselves comfortable. 9. he hurt
himself. 10. let me introduce myself. 11. we can’t defend ourselves. 12. fashion often repeats itself. 13. i taught myself to swim. 14. they carried all their luggage themselves. 15. we always design our clothes ourselves.
I believe that doing sports is necessary for each person. Lack of time – it's all excuses. I think not so difficult to set aside 10-15 minutes a day to do gymnastics, go for a run with my dog in the morning in the Park, ride a bike or roller skates.
Health is the most valuable thing a man can have, and should be protected and strengthened. Every day we tell each other "Hello!", so, wish you health. And even greetings on birthday, New year or any other occasion we first of all wish your friends, teachers and family good health. I think that sports is one of the most affordable and enjoyable ways to care for their own health. Not necessarily spend hours in the gym and do heavy exercises. Enough in the morning to do exercises, do not skip PE lessons and after school to engage in the sport which like. For example, I love to play volleyball and basketball, even go to the sports section and take part in competitions. In the winter I love to ski and skate, play hockey. All my friends, as well as I do sports. Someone goes to section navigation, someone plays with me in volleyball. A girl from our class engaged in dancing and gymnastics. I never understood those who skips gym class and says that there is nothing to do. I think this is one of the most important lessons, because on it we rest from mental work, and charged a good mood.
Athletes have always respected. First and foremost, of course, for their achievements in sports. But the desire to win, propaganda of healthy lifestyle, self-organization is also commendable. Our country is famous for athletes in many sports – synchronized swimming, pole vaulting, tennis and others. We have to take one example, because athletes know that to be fit and healthy – it is fashionable!
The elephant is a mammal. Elephants are very large, old individuals (males) weigh 5.4 tons, with an increase of 2-5 meters. Females are smaller than males, weigh an average of 2.7 tons. The elephant eats grass and tree bark. Food for elephants in captivity are grass and hay. Elephants were domesticated and were used for military purposes for the first time in India. Elephants recognize themselves in the mirror, a sign of identity. The presence of good memory, elephants have indicates their ability to track the whereabouts of members of his family group. A very famous Asian elephant named "Kosik" is able to reproduce sounds similar to human speech. It only simulates up to eight words in the Korean language, such as "Yes(네), no(아니오)", "to sit(앉아)", "lie(누워)". Thank you for your attention.