It is believed that exercise is good for you. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to disease and premature old age. If you exercise just 20 minutes a day, you will feel that the body is warmed up, you have a burst of energy, and to eat I absolutely do not want. This is due to the active metabolism that reconfigures your body. Active exercise cause the action of natural drug for the body – endorphins, and from them we have lifted the mood and we want to enjoy the life. Of course , exercise makes the body elastic and strong sleep.
Monday: (понедельник) : English (англ. язык),Maths (математика), Physics (физика), Geography (география), Biology ( биология).
Tuesday: (вторник) : Art(s) (рисование), Sport (PT=Physical Training), Russian (русский язык), Russian Literature (русская литература)
Wednesday: (среда) : Maths, Chemistry (химия), Music (музыка)
Thursday: (четверг) Russian, Math class, IT (Information Technology)
- (информатика), PE (Physical Education)-(физкультура)
Friday: (пятница) Science (естествознание), History (история), Literature, English, Technology (технология),
Saturday: (суббота) : Social studies ( обществоведение или обществознание), Maths, IT, Technical Drawing (черчение)
По своему дневнику выбери предметы и допиши к дням недели нужные.