1. He spoke to the economists last Friday . 2. The quality of their previous goods were low. 3. In 1998 they didn't did business with French companies . 4. She went on business to London yesterday . 5. Two days ago they offered us to establish business relations . 6. The government didn't set up a new joint venture a month ago. 7. Last year they gave him a big discount . 8. She looked through these catalogues the day before yesterday . 9. Did he(Mr Brown- можно и не заменять на he) attended the last conference ? – I think he did . 10. Did they discussed the terms of payment the other day ? – I don’t think so .
В 2006 году в России был создан благотворительный фонд "Подари жизнь", который спустя десять лет возглавил список самых крупных неприбыльных организаций России. В 2016 году фонд собрал более двух миллиардов и ста миллионов рублей. Основательницей организации является Галина Чаликова, волонтер с большой буквы. Средства в основном привлекаются для лечения больных детей, закупку медикаментов, обеспечение жильем семей, приехавших в офис в Москве на лечение, и так далее. Дети - наше будущее, поэтому организация "Подари жизнь" заслуживает особого уважения, на мой взгляд
2. The quality of their previous goods were low.
3. In 1998 they didn't did business with French companies .
4. She went on business to London yesterday .
5. Two days ago they offered us to establish business
relations .
6. The government didn't set up a new joint venture
a month ago.
7. Last year they gave him a big discount .
8. She looked through these catalogues the day
before yesterday .
9. Did he(Mr Brown- можно и не заменять на he) attended the last conference ? – I think
he did .
10. Did they discussed the terms of payment the other day ? – I don’t think so .