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18.09.2020 14:09 •  Английский язык

It is necessary to distinguish amateur sport and professional sport. The most important difference is that professional sportsmen, on the one hand, try to win, to break records and to achieve great results because it brings them glory, fame and commercial success. Amateur sportsmen, on the other hand, go in for sport to bе healthy and feel well - and not to

have а sport career.

One of the simplest and most ancient sports is running. It is an exercise which doesn't make you stronger (so your muscles don't become thicker), but it makes you more resistant to stress. This sport, like many others, improves your health and even cures some illnesses.

If you are an amateur, you probably prefer jogging to running. Jogging is just like running, but here speed is not so important. Jogging is popular in Western countries. People jog several kilometres а day and found it very healthy. Doctors warn however, that jogging for more than twenty kilometers а week may bе harmful for the joints.

In this case the best solution is skiing. Skiing is а very good winter sport. Two main types cаn bе divided in this kind of sport: mountain skiing and cross-country skiing. When Russian people say skiing, they mean cross-country skiing. But Englishmen mean mountain skiing. Both kinds of sport are popular, but in order to go down the ski slopes you need more professionalism.

Besides these kinds of sports, there are games. Everyone knows such games as football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, tennis and others.

Everyone knows them and played at least one of these games. In some of them only two players take part (tennis), in others- а team of several players. These games improve velocity of reaction, ability to take quick decisions, and coordination. They are popular with children, who follow the older sportsmen and want to bе like them.

Sport is so important for us, that lessons of physical training are included into school, college and university curriculums. Besides there are special schools, which prepare future sportsmen, trainers and Olympic champions.

1. Guess the word bу the explanation of its meaning.

1) something that you can play, usually with rules

2) from or concerning the west

3) an action or feeling caused bу another person or thing

4) the best person in а sport or competition

5) to do better than your opponents in а game

6) an outdoor game played bу two teams with curved sticks and а small hard cylinder

7) а team game in which players try to throw а ball through а hoop fixed three meters above the ground

8) а game played bу two teams which try to kick an inflated ball into their opponent's goal

9) а very high hill

10) someone who does something because he likes it without being paid for it

2. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Бег трусцой, игра, любитель, важный, успех, побить рекорд, решение, хоккей, возможность, различать.

3. Give antonyms from active vocabulary to the following words.

Amateur, slowly, to lose, useful, inabllity, unimportant.

4. Insert the vocabulary of the text into the following sentences.

1. The sportsman wanted to _ , so he ran very quickly. Не won and became an __ . But he was very tired because he had run two _.

2. It is very difficult to _а record. Only the best _can do it.

3. Every football player must bе _to stress.

4. The _Zenit won the _match yesterday.

5. The 9th of Мау is an _date in our history.

6. If you go weightlifting (тяжелая атлетика) your _become bigger and so you become stronger.

7. Do you often have __ lessons?

Показать ответ
26.07.2021 09:08
Buy two seats on the morning train east, no matter where.
Buy some medicine before you die.
I need to speak to him about the Bring and Buy Sale.
Buy yourself a song on the jukebox.
Buy some time for us, please.
Buy me a wool cap if you see one.
Buy her a stuffed puppy or something.
Buy what you want, it's your money.
Maybe I'll get my hair done, Buy a new dress.
Buy one, get one free.
Buy a bed, and get up on the right side of it.
Buy her a house and she'll never leave.
Buy a magazine to read while you wait for me.
Buy some paints and everything you need for your work.
Buy only what is on your shopping list.
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07.04.2020 17:24
Fashion is something we deal with every day. Even people, who say they don't care what they wear, choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day. What influences our choice of clothes is an interesting question. I believe that most of the people do not follow the fashion displayed on the catwalk. That kind of clothes is a product of famous high-class designers' work, it is often very extravagant and extremely expensive. It is also not designed to be worn every day, but it is suitable for some special occasions.

However, we definitely borrow some ideas about fashion from music clips, videos, books and television. Movies also have a big impact on what people wear.

My style and the range of clothes that I have are defined by the activities I engage in. Work occupies most of my time and therefore most of the clothes that I have corresponds with the dress code, registered in the policy of our company. According to the dress code, an employee is not allowed to wear certain items of clothing to work. For example, men are supposed to wear ties and business suits, and nobody is allowed to wear jeans, except on Fridays. Women's clothes are not supposed to be skin-tight, too short and too open. All of the shirts are supposed to have collars. Clothes also can't be too bright, the colors should correspond to the corporate colors – dark blue and white. Sadly, if some parents are not able to afford buying trendy clothes with fashion labels, their kids often become outsiders. So clothes usually separate people into social groups. How could you describe the word "family"? First of all "family" means a close unit of parents and their children living together. But we shouldn't forget that it is a most complex system of relationships. Family relationships are rarely as easy as we would like, and very often we have to work hard at keeping them peaceful. Saturn a conclusion like would say that my parents absolutely respect my choice.
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