I get up at 6 o'clock and go into the bathroom. I take a shower and clean my teeth. Then my sister goes into the bathroom and cleans her teeth, too. My father makes a breakfast. My mother usually has a cup of tea in bed and then she gets up, too. After breakfast I go to school. My bus leaves at 7 o'clock and I always leave the house at quarter to seven. School starts for me at quarter to eight. My sister leaves the house at 7 o'clock, too. Her school starts at quarter past seven. In the afternoon watch TV and do my homework. At 8 o'clock we go upstairs to our bedrooms. I take my clothes off in the bathroom and clean my teeth. I always read a good book in bed before I go to sleep. My sister sometimes learns her English vocabulary in bed. I usually take a bottle of water upstairs with me and drink a glass of water. After that I always go to sleep.
(зей тот ми ол ай нью);
зеэ неймз а уот энд уай энд уэн
энд хaу энд уээр энд ху.
ай сенд зем ˈоувэ лэнд энд си,
ай сенд зем ист энд уэст;
бат ˈафтэ зей хэв уёкт фо ми,
ай гив зем ол э рест.
ай лет зем рест фром найн тил файв,
фор ай эм ˈбизи зен,
эз уэл эз ˈбрекфэст, ланч, энд ти,
фо зей а ˈхангри мен.
бат ˈдифрэнт фоук хэв ˈдифрэнт вьюз.
ай ноу э ˈпёсн смол-
ши кипс тен ˈмильэн ˈсёвин-мен,
ху гет ноу рест эт ол!
ши sends'em эˈброд он хёр оун эˈфеэз,
фром зэ ˈсекэнд ши ˈоупэнз хёр айз-
уан ˈмильэн хaуз, ту ˈмильэн уээз,
энд ˈсевн ˈмильэн уайз!
фром зи ˈелифэнтс чайлд
My bus leaves at 7 o'clock and I always leave the house at quarter to seven. School starts for me at quarter to eight.
My sister leaves the house at 7 o'clock, too. Her school starts at quarter past seven.
In the afternoon watch TV and do my homework.
At 8 o'clock we go upstairs to our bedrooms. I take my clothes off in the bathroom and clean my teeth.
I always read a good book in bed before I go to sleep. My sister sometimes learns her English vocabulary in bed. I usually take a bottle of water upstairs with me and drink a glass of water. After that I always go to sleep.