Из слов которые я привёл по английскому нужно составить текс 8-10 предложений . too much homework, no friends, no girlfriend/boyfriend, having difficulties with school work, nothing to do in free time, no one to talk to about your problems, lack of pocket money, not allowed to go out in the evening, argue with parents/brother/sister.
ИнопланетянеThere are aliens out there, somewhere. I strongly believe this.
Not sure what they look like, though. I really doubt they are green, like they are in science fiction movies.
I also don't think they look like us. But I'm sure they exist. I just don't think we'll ever see any or find any. They live too far away. If you think about it logically, there has to be aliens out there. All a planet needs is to be warm and have water and life will exist. There are billions and billions of planets in the universe, so there are probably millions and millions that have life. Alien life. It's also likely that some of the aliens are much more intelligent than we are. I wonder what we'd do if really intelligent aliens visited Earth.
So, do you enjoy the party?
Yes, it is really good .
Hey, I like your shoes Sam. They are cool.
Thanks. They hurt my feet, though.That s why I am not dancing. You are wearing a trainers. They are muck better for dancing.
Hey,you two.Do you want to dance?
No,thanks,Alice.Matt,you go ahead and dance.
Uh,no thanks .
But you love dancing,Matt.
Er,yes,but I do not like this band.
Really?I love them. Actually I am going to see them next month and I have got a spare ticket.Do you want to come,Alice?